
Active Member
Has anyone retro fitted rear TV/DVD screens in the passenger and driver headrests? i want them fitting properly as into the headrest rather than just stuck on, if so which ones did ya get and are they an easy fix regards to the wiring etc? need to keep the the kiddywinks happy and quiet on long journeys
I know you can get discovery 2 woth rear tvs as a optional extra, may be worth keeping an eye on breakers as you might be able to get whole lot together ?
I know you can get discovery 2 woth rear tvs as a optional extra, may be worth keeping an eye on breakers as you might be able to get whole lot together ?

Thanks mate, didnt know they were an option so will have a trawl thro tinternet breakers :)
Discovery ES Premium is what you are looking for ...


There's only one DVD screen listed for a 2004MY D2 for either the ES Premium and the other models in the 2004 range and that was a £2248.95 option STC61971AA.

The factory fitted screens in the headrest didn't arrive till the D3.
Assumed, didn't realise the premium only had one overhead screen just knew the premium had rear dvd.

It was an option " interior enhancement" as LR called it, it was the same as for the other two models in 2004, Pursuit and Landmark.

So if you have seen an ES Premium with a DVD then you know what it cost the owner to have fitted.

That still doesn't mean that an owner didn't take his disco and had a seat based system installed elsewhere, there's a few ICE firms out there that do that sort of thing. But is it worth it? :)
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Stupid money ...

Depends on how you define worth it - just another profiteering exercise if you ask me.

Not something I'd hand over my money for.
Under normal circumstances i wouldnt bother but the wife has inherited this big twin axle caravan from her mum and wants to go caravaning next year (i dont but my opinion counts for fcuk all) we have 2 boys aged 5 and 7 that just moan about being bored on long trips and theres only so many times you can hear "are we nearly there yet" before it drives you insane, hence the idea of the screens, if it proves to be silly money ill just buy the cheap handheld ones but would prefer them mounted
Under normal circumstances i wouldnt bother but the wife has inherited this big twin axle caravan from her mum and wants to go caravaning next year (i dont but my opinion counts for fcuk all) we have 2 boys aged 5 and 7 that just moan about being bored on long trips and theres only so many times you can hear "are we nearly there yet" before it drives you insane, hence the idea of the screens, if it proves to be silly money ill just buy the cheap handheld ones but would prefer them mounted

Hugh amp and speakers to cover the "are we there yet"
Or sit them in the caravan sure its got a telly in it LOL (not really recommending this one)
2004 I can't remember that far back...whether DVDs were the thing to have then, perhaps as a new invention is why it cost 2K plus from LR, I'm sure I was still on VHS tapes then.
I have got uptodate now, and have a DVD player/recorder and also vhs.
It took me years to get round to CDs, I had to as the disco has a CD player :D
I got them in mine, they were an optional extra. 4 screens all together, the system is called nervox. My kids can watch tv on the middle ones, and play playstation on the very rear dicky seats. I must admit, they love them.
Has anyone for the fitting instructions for the factory fit DVD mine has instructions when it arrives

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