
New Member
hi i have just bought a height sensor for my p38 and i have noticed it has a plate with it. It has two holes and two bolts on it anyone know what its for and how to fit which way round it goes

Is it for the front ? Is it the heat shield ? Never replaced the front ones on mine, only the rear.

Cheers, Nick.
for the back rear n/s sensor its not the cover its a plate for the sensor to sit on which way round i dont know
You might not need it, some sensors come with an adadptor plate so it can be fitted to the classic (93-94).

hi but it wont fit the wiring plug fouls the bracket on the chassis the only thing that i have come up with is that the plate just offsets the sensor for fitment but when you screw the sensor on the nuts then foul the bracket so i am putting on like this see how it goes!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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