Hi all....Just asking if anyone has had trouble with the rear exhaust box banging ?
Ive had a non genuine rear box replaced but it still knocks around like the last exhaust box & wondered if its to do with the rear hanging rubbers?
I replaced the rubbers with some non genuine heavy duty rubbers however they look different to the genuine WCS000150 rubbers fitted as standard.


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    Exhaust Rubber.jpg
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Mine was driving me crazy, banging on the towbar.

Solved it with SES88's compact rear box.

It is nice & quiet now. Well, no banging anyway :D
The original rubbers which came off it had a fiber band around it ?
Is it worth replacing them with these ?


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    Exhaust rubber1.JPG
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2 x cable tie stopped my banging - one on each rubber pulling towards nearside. 1 year later - no banging still. Cheap and cheerful!
Digging that one out/up. Is that wcs000150 the correct one for the td4? I have another one on, but with odd noises and when trying to change it for the mentioned one it doesn't really fit in. Anyone used those? LR wasn't really helpful, the parts number would change often and some other blurb, should send a picture and they would send the matching one. Otherwise he said that sometimes the wrong ones would be fitted.

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