Well done that man.......................:D

Never had to but one 'yet' but you probably get what you pay for. I would avoid britpart if at all possible. I have replaced the waterpump (easy job again) and just chose a middle priced one off ebay. Its been on a few months and so far so good. The only reason I replaced it was because if you grabbed the fan and shook it, the whole thing rocked about 10 mm each way on the pump shaft.
Cheers Bob, ordered rad from rimmer bros (all suppliers i spoke too, couldn't tell me who makes their rads!), water pump off ebay, NOS Unipart one, 9 hole but square fan coupling, hope it fits!
Giving her an oil and filter change too. Will report back in a few days to let you know if it's solved the issue.
If someone charged me that kind of money to stick a powewash head in mi rad I'd punch him square on the jaw.
Get the bottom hose off and give it a damn good bash out with a hose. The faster the water the better and the longer the better. If you can be arsed take it out and shake holy hell out of it whilst flushing both ways. Keep going until the water runs clean and then do it again. Taking a rad out is a few bolts and half an hours work, its beginners stuff. You can even get a pot of central heating cleaning jollop and throw that in a few days before to loosen things up. If its knackered, this will show it up and its time for a bermarch replacement that will cost just over a ton and keep you going for a few more years.
Its what we do as trattor owners. Thats what separates us from the twonks with micras.
And, I know you've ordered a new rad now, but its still worth flushing the block and the heater circuit. These, (I.E. flushing, fitting water pump and new rad), are both easy jobs, which, IMHO, you need to do yourself - your lad will learn something too.
Disco, believe me, if I had the time, I'd do the jobs myself (I've a classic TVR that I do all my own work on), but at the moment I'm extremely busy at work 8am-9pm 5 days a week and have a garage build on the go at the weekends! The car is my daily so need it up and running asap.

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