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I'm planning on re-painting my 2A back to it's original Marine Blue. Has anyone got any tips on the best application method (other than spray) to get a goodish finish - not going for concourse, but want a decent finish?

Also, I've managed to get some original rear Station Wagon sides with the opening windows which will need a re-paint - the question is, should I paint them Marine Blue or go for Cream to match the roof?

I've seen hand painted / roller painting methods which have given very varying results..a good rollered paint job can easily look better than a poor spray job. But the key with any kind of painting is always the prepwork. Spraying obviously gives a more professional finish (he says, ignoring the orange peel on my own series 3..) and I think is much more satisfying BUT as I said, any finishing method is only as good as the hours, and hours (and hours) of prep. Depends how much time you want to put into it really but don't be lead by anybody saying one method is any easier than the other if you want a decent finish any way of doing it is going to take alot of rubbing down (especially between coats).

Based on my own experience of spraying - use 2K paint, no need for clear coat and hardens off really well to be rubbed down and then polished up to take out minor defects. Go for a dust coat, followed by two to three (three ideally..) full coats and then another lighter dust coat. Primer you'll want 2k anyway because it's going on aluminium. What paint is on the panel work at the moment? Alot of mine was hand painted and the paint did not mix at all, so I had to strip it ALL (bare metal respray on every panel in the end, but was easier as it was a new chassis rebuild so everything was sprayed off the vehice anyway).

Don't be scared of using a spray gun by the way, who needs a three year apprentiship to spray a vehicle!

All the best - and post pictures!
I rolled my 90 the other week and the result was very good. You need to make sure you give it a good rub down for the new paint to stick to. And i got the paint off ebay it is land rover paint from a company called trades4paint.


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Thanks for the link Danny.

It's been painted with rattle cans, so not the best finish. I think the main issue I'm going to have is space... it doesn't fit in my garage, so whatever I end up doing will be outside - probably under a gazebo of some kinda. This means I don't have the advantage of taking each panel off to do the re-paint. (I've told the wife this is a 'running' restoration, so it needs to remain 'on-the-road' at all times ;) )

Current pic below.


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Looks smart. i done mine outside in a day was really easy as i use mine as my daily car so know where you are coming from just try pick a day out and pray its nice and sunny let us know how you get on and any further questions feel free to ask pal.
Ours was brush painted with 2 tins of bronze green from our local agriculteral supplies place, it looks pretty good although there are still brush strokes around too. Our series three was in pieces though so easier to prep and clean and paint the panels.
Looks smart. i done mine outside in a day was really easy as i use mine as my daily car so know where you are coming from just try pick a day out and pray its nice and sunny let us know how you get on and any further questions feel free to ask pal.

Distance can be deceptive ;)

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