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My 56 plate td6 has started making a low sound fairly fast rattle at speeds of around 15 to 20 mph - seems mostly when on no or very light acceleration at that speed - noise goes when speed picks up - seems to be somewhere under cubby box - started to do it much more recently. Wondered what it might be and if safe to do a 500 mile journey in a day or so as garage too busy at the moment. Hope someone can help with advise - thanks.
Most Likely to be the Front Brake Shields which can corrode through the washers and rest on the bolt, dragging against the back of the disk. Or it could be the exhaust clamps again being loose/corroded and low speed means low revs and low vibration hence why it disappears at higher speeds?
Most Likely to be the Front Brake Shields which can corrode through the washers and rest on the bolt, dragging against the back of the disk. Or it could be the exhaust clamps again being loose/corroded and low speed means low revs and low vibration hence why it disappears at higher speeds?
Would be good if that is all that is wrong - thanks for reply - just need to get it over the pit but at the moment there is an old 110 in the way waiting for a transfer box from the garage.
Could also be your cat on downpipe. Mines rattled since I had it. The porcelain pieces come loose, mine always rattles at 900 -1000 rpm. Doesn't do my street cred much good as always happens when at slow speed in town
Had it up on ramps and am told the problem is the rear prop shaft centre bearing has gone - but am told these can't be sourced separately so a new prop shaft needed at nearly £900. However I have found the prop shaft centre bearing can be purchased for about £40 - when I relayed this message to garage there was surprise but then said I would need also the universal joint which sits directly behind the bearing. Search as I might I can't find this universal joint anywhere. Is anyone able to help please.
Cars in the seventies had rear drive and manufacturers like BL Ford and Vauxhall would supply propshafts to their new cars with non removable UJs so a new Propshaft was norma lly the only answer HOWEVER my Father being a Draughtsman/Engineer working for Rolls Royce somehow found a way to replace the UJs on these propshafts, he helped a few of his friends when they experienced a problem.
Manufacturers were into unnecessary replacements to make money even then :D
UJ is part of the prop shaft looking at the parts drawing!

Many thanks for that - that's solved that dilemma - well best get the propshaft off first then to see what's wrong!!. Wonder if secondhand props on ebay will be any good.
Had it up on ramps and am told the problem is the rear prop shaft centre bearing has gone - but am told these can't be sourced separately so a new prop shaft needed at nearly £900. However I have found the prop shaft centre bearing can be purchased for about £40 - when I relayed this message to garage there was surprise but then said I would need also the universal joint which sits directly behind the bearing. Search as I might I can't find this universal joint anywhere. Is anyone able to help please.
Why? Has the u/j gone as well as the center bearing? If not then from Saints schematic it looks like the shafts slide apart. Check the orientation of the u/j's before you pull the shafts apart.
Rear prop taken off and both bearing and u/j bad - so purchased secondhand prop from ebay for £140 - hope its going to be ok.
Just to let everyone know £140 prop from ebay fitted plus £50 labour and all ok - better than a new one for £900 plus fitting.

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