You can still check the head unit, by trying to put it into the diagnostics screen.

This evening, I pulled the 5AMP fuse for the CD Autochanger to replicate the initial fault you had. Got the screen to freeze, etc., then switched off the engine. When I restarted the RR I had the flashing light and the Land Rover Logo, nothing else. Left the engine running (less chance of flattening the battery!), then did the following procedure.

Press on the touchscreen at the top - centre of the screen constantly for at least five seconds, then immediately release and press the Satnav Hard Key (top right key) and hold (again about 5 seconds) until a keypad appears.

Type in the following code on the keypad- 134679 and press OK

This will take you into the diagnostics screen, proving your head unit is working okay. There are various diagnostic procedures you can access from this screen, as well as information on vehicle settings and equipment installed.
When you come out of the diagnostics screen, it should return you to the 'home' page, which will stay lit for a minute or two after you turn off the ignition.

P.S. for anyone who's interested, the above code is better than the 753 code enables TV on the move, enables the TMC function on the SatNav and doesn't require the ignition to be cycled to get out of the diagnostics.
You can still check the head unit, by trying to put it into the diagnostics screen.

This evening, I pulled the 5AMP fuse for the CD Autochanger to replicate the initial fault you had. Got the screen to freeze, etc., then switched off the engine. When I restarted the RR I had the flashing light and the Land Rover Logo, nothing else. Left the engine running (less chance of flattening the battery!), then did the following procedure.

Press on the touchscreen at the top - centre of the screen constantly for at least five seconds, then immediately release and press the Satnav Hard Key (top right key) and hold (again about 5 seconds) until a keypad appears.

Type in the following code on the keypad- 134679 and press OK

This will take you into the diagnostics screen, proving your head unit is working okay. There are various diagnostic procedures you can access from this screen, as well as information on vehicle settings and equipment installed.
When you come out of the diagnostics screen, it should return you to the 'home' page, which will stay lit for a minute or two after you turn off the ignition.

P.S. for anyone who's interested, the above code is better than the 753 code enables TV on the move, enables the TMC function on the SatNav and doesn't require the ignition to be cycled to get out of the diagnostics.

nice info ! ;)
You can still check the head unit, by trying to put it into the diagnostics screen.

This evening, I pulled the 5AMP fuse for the CD Autochanger to replicate the initial fault you had. Got the screen to freeze, etc., then switched off the engine. When I restarted the RR I had the flashing light and the Land Rover Logo, nothing else. Left the engine running (less chance of flattening the battery!), then did the following procedure.

Press on the touchscreen at the top - centre of the screen constantly for at least five seconds, then immediately release and press the Satnav Hard Key (top right key) and hold (again about 5 seconds) until a keypad appears.

Type in the following code on the keypad- 134679 and press OK

This will take you into the diagnostics screen, proving your head unit is working okay. There are various diagnostic procedures you can access from this screen, as well as information on vehicle settings and equipment installed.
When you come out of the diagnostics screen, it should return you to the 'home' page, which will stay lit for a minute or two after you turn off the ignition.

P.S. for anyone who's interested, the above code is better than the 753 code enables TV on the move, enables the TMC function on the SatNav and doesn't require the ignition to be cycled to get out of the diagnostics.

Thanks for the reply buddy
I just tried that and the screen works. It will let me access the sat nav and that works fine.
The option for the CD and TV is faded out and it won't let me tune into a radio station as it just says preset 1,2 etc.
the radio, cd and TV buttons on the screen are greyed out and I can click on them.
I can hear sounds when I press the buttons but can't seem to play a CD.
Any idea what the problem could be?
Another thought, do you have an old analogue TV module (or maybe upgraded to the Hybrid TV Module)? Have you checked the connections on that unit and done the MOST bypass on that one?

The only other thing I can then think of is the MOST connection to the CD Changer unit, but that means removing the dashboard top to get access.
I have excatly the same problem, followed your advice,, but yep still have the grey audio. the sat nav works fine, but just locks again when keys removed
Another thought, do you have an old analogue TV module (or maybe upgraded to the Hybrid TV Module)? Have you checked the connections on that unit and done the MOST bypass on that one?

The only other thing I can then think of is the MOST connection to the CD Changer unit, but that means removing the dashboard top to get access.

I have the old analogue tv, when the sat nav was working ok I could click on the TV section but it doesn't allow me to now.
Lol I'm not sure which one that is. I have bypassed the sat nav, Nokia, and the other two apart from the Harmon kardon.

I think there could be a problem with the CD changer?
Think I should try to bypass the CD changer. Then if it doesn't work God help me lol
I use kindle alot too.
Check the Harmon Cardon unit, that needs a MOST bypass check as well.

Just for information...
The SatNav unit communicates with the Head Unit (Touchscreen) via Canbus, if the MOST system goes down, the Satnav still works.

There are six main units in the MOST chain that need checking, they are:
MOST IHU - this is what sends and receives the fibre optic signals..if you're getting a red light from the fibres, this unit is likely okay therefore no need to check it.

MOST CD Autochanger
MOST Analogue / Hybrid TV Unit
MOST Nokia Voice Recognition / Bluetooth Unit
MOST Harmon Cardon Unit

If just one of the above five units fails / becomes faulty, it stops the Touchscreen Head Unit from going past the LandRover Logo Screen, requiring the Procedure to get into the diagnostics to bypass the MOST IHU and allows the satnav unit to then function.
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Check the Harmon Cardon unit, that needs a MOST bypass check as well.

Just for information...
The SatNav unit communicates with the Head Unit (Touchscreen) via Canbus, if the MOST system goes down, the Satnav still works.

There are six main units in the MOST chain that need checking, they are:
MOST IHU - this is what sends and receives the fibre optic signals..if you're getting a red light from the fibres, this unit is likely okay therefore no need to check it.

MOST CD Autochanger
MOST Analogue / Hybrid TV Unit
MOST Nokia Voice Recognition / Bluetooth Unit
MOST Harmon Cardon Unit

If just one of the above five units fails / becomes faulty, it stops the Touchscreen Head Unit from going past the LandRover Logo Screen, requiring the Procedure to get into the diagnostics to bypass the MOST IHU and allows the satnav unit to then function.

So I took the car down to the auto technician today. After an hour he found the problem. The connector to the amp was broken so he replaced the connector with the Phone module and bypassed the phone module so everything works. Apart from the phone which I didn't need lol.

Discotigger thank you so much for the advice it's been really helpful 😄

After all of that it was a effin connector lol
Glad to hear it's now sorted.:bounce::bounce:

When you said you'd done the bypass checks earlier, I thought you'd done the Harmon Cardon unit (that's the amp!) as well. Didn't click till your previous post.

Got it right in my last post when I said check the HC MOST connection, just a bit too late for you though.

You should be able to get a replacement connector for the Nokia unit, P.S. check to see if the voice recognition works.

Hope everything runs smooth from now on!
Glad to hear it's now sorted.:bounce::bounce:

When you said you'd done the bypass checks earlier, I thought you'd done the Harmon Cardon unit (that's the amp!) as well. Didn't click till your previous post.

Got it right in my last post when I said check the HC MOST connection, just a bit too late for you though.

You should be able to get a replacement connector for the Nokia unit, P.S. check to see if the voice recognition works.

Hope everything runs smooth from now on!

You got it right the first time, I will check the voice recognition and let you know.
Thank you ever so much for the help.
Hi everyone I am new on here and have a RR vogue se 2005 that had an aftermarket radio unit fitted and the OBC did not work so have purchased a new 2nd hand gauranteed working screen and tuner box. When I fitted it all seemed ok Land Rover logo appeared and switch flashes as it should. The problem is it will not switch on and work. I have checked everything I can and on the rear of the unit are 3 coloured round connectors with one wire each. I only have 2 the green and yellow do is one definately missing and is this my problem?
Any help would be appreciated.
Hi everyone I am new on here and have a RR vogue se 2005 that had an aftermarket radio unit fitted and the OBC did not work so have purchased a new 2nd hand gauranteed working screen and tuner box. When I fitted it all seemed ok Land Rover logo appeared and switch flashes as it should. The problem is it will not switch on and work. I have checked everything I can and on the rear of the unit are 3 coloured round connectors with one wire each. I only have 2 the green and yellow do is one definately missing and is this my problem?
Any help would be appreciated.

My first question would be 'Why was an aftermarket system fitted?'

The L322 media system is fairly complex and requires several units to be connected and working...chiefly the DSP Amp (if applicable) the BM54 Module, TV Module, Sat Nav....etc etc...most of these are located in the rear N/S quarter and regularly suffer damp due to an unknown leak...the LR Fix was a branded plastic bag as even they don't know where the leak originates from!

First thing is to check all the component's and connections in the N/S boot area for signs of moisture or corrosion...

My guess is an aftermarket system was fitted as one or more of the critical components in the boot have gone bang...and they are not cheap!!
I know this is an old post and I've read this very carefully and done everything that has been suggested on this thread but still I have no radio no CD just the Land Rover logo on the head unit. I have done what you suggested disco trigger and got in to the settings screen but again still no radio or CD. I don't want to go to the Steelers I'm now at my wits end please is there anyone out there that may be able to help.
Many thanks kind regards
So you have unplugged the Sat Nav unit in the boot and tried to see what happens?
Hi saintv8
Yes I've unplugged everything in the rear left boot area and plugged back in there's no water ingress and all connections look fine. The only thing I've not done is take out the head unit
So you have tried to run the system with ONLY the Sat Nav drive disconnected yes?

Oftentimes if the Sat Nav Drive is fecked it will drag the rest down....unplug it and it all comes to life again shows it is the Drive unit!
Sorry for late reply, I tried what you suggested Saint v8 ref sat nav drive but still nothing.. The orange light is still flashing and the screen still LR logo. Press and hold top centre screen then same in hard button for sat nav gets me into the screen with keypad, I just press OK now and it allows me into the nav (which does work) I can't set time nor date and no noise or anything from radio at all. Nothing in trip computer screen or the screen with the chassis pic, nothing at all from the camera functions either
So you have a post 2005 model with touch screen then?

Then you can ignore what I suggested as it runs on a totally different system....!!!

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