You can still check the head unit, by trying to put it into the diagnostics screen.

This evening, I pulled the 5AMP fuse for the CD Autochanger to replicate the initial fault you had. Got the screen to freeze, etc., then switched off the engine. When I restarted the RR I had the flashing light and the Land Rover Logo, nothing else. Left the engine running (less chance of flattening the battery!), then did the following procedure.

Press on the touchscreen at the top - centre of the screen constantly for at least five seconds, then immediately release and press the Satnav Hard Key (top right key) and hold (again about 5 seconds) until a keypad appears.

Type in the following code on the keypad- 134679 and press OK

This will take you into the diagnostics screen, proving your head unit is working okay. There are various diagnostic procedures you can access from this screen, as well as information on vehicle settings and equipment installed.
When you come out of the diagnostics screen, it should return you to the 'home' page, which will stay lit for a minute or two after you turn off the ignition.

P.S. for anyone who's interested, the above code is better than the 753 code enables TV on the move, enables the TMC function on the SatNav and doesn't require the ignition to be cycled to get out of the diagnostics.

Hi Discotigger,
Sorry, but I have the same problem with SAT NAV in Land Rover frozen mode. Followed your advice and got into the diagnostics menu. Now, could u pls walk me through the MOST tests steps to bypass the faulty system. Much appreciated if u can find time....Rgds. Alex
You can still check the head unit, by trying to put it into the diagnostics screen.

This evening, I pulled the 5AMP fuse for the CD Autochanger to replicate the initial fault you had. Got the screen to freeze, etc., then switched off the engine. When I restarted the RR I had the flashing light and the Land Rover Logo, nothing else. Left the engine running (less chance of flattening the battery!), then did the following procedure.

Press on the touchscreen at the top - centre of the screen constantly for at least five seconds, then immediately release and press the Satnav Hard Key (top right key) and hold (again about 5 seconds) until a keypad appears.

Type in the following code on the keypad- 134679 and press OK

This will take you into the diagnostics screen, proving your head unit is working okay. There are various diagnostic procedures you can access from this screen, as well as information on vehicle settings and equipment installed.
When you come out of the diagnostics screen, it should return you to the 'home' page, which will stay lit for a minute or two after you turn off the ignition.

P.S. for anyone who's interested, the above code is better than the 753 code enables TV on the move, enables the TMC function on the SatNav and doesn't require the ignition to be cycled to get out of the diagnostics.
@Discotigger - you absolute genius! I owe you a pint.

I know this is an old tread, but I have struggled with frozen screen issue on my RR Vogue 2007, and no one seem to have had the fix I needed. Overcame the frozen screen temporarily by removing/reinserting 30A fuse in RH boot. When the screen came back on, I could not connect to CD/AUX/TV (buttons greyed out), volume knob not reacting (could adjust using steering wheel controls), voice control not working, and unable to adjust amp EQ.

I have upgraded to the 2010 Bluetooth unit, as the original was bust, but it only fixed the telephone when the screen would on occasions work. Also, reverse cam and SatNav would work.

I have checked all MOST connections in the rear, and they seemed to produce light. Disconnected each of them, and checked the system. Removed all rear units from their brackets and had them on the MOST loop while unplugging the wiring connectors. Could hear the front speakers only with the amp disconnected (and low volume when speaking on phone via Bluetooth), then coming in at strength when reconnecting. Had removed/reinserted the relay rear RHS and checked all fuses. Done the battery hard reset. Restored all ECUs with my GAP IIDtool.
Was pretty sure it was not a problem in the rear, but dreaded having to remove the dash to start testing the CD/IHU units.

Had previously been in diagnostics mode with the #753, but could not check RGB-colour and several video tests. Last night my wife, concerned that I was turning obsessed with the issue, very carefully suggested I seek professional help. Not sure if she meant it with regards to the car or not…

I had just about given up, just wanted to chase up a lead on how to update software for headunit freeze issue, when I came over this post. Entered diagnostics mode with the #134679, and fiddled for a while without any results. Got various more test features compared with the #753, and tried the “Override” icon. Came out of diagnostics and volume button started working, could connect my phone to the AUX-Bluetooth dongle fitted to the 12v power supply and AUX port behind the cubby box and could play music via Spotify. CD changer works. Can choose TV, but cannot get any reception. Will follow up that issue separately, not my main concern at the moment.

I have seen quite a few treads with people having the same issue as me, and they just seem to die out without a fix. Sincerely hope this could be of use to others out there.

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