I've no wish to become embroiled in this discussion / slanging match as I don't need a RR repairing nor do I live anywhere near the OP, but it does appear that some are very quick to judge.
Oh Dear,
@njh2 Was merely being flippant and not intending to give serious offense dear chap.
I hope you get as many requests for help and offers of work as you feel comfortable to handle.
Me, I think I am nowhere near your neck of the woods, but thanks for the offer anyway.
I'm all up for a spot of private enterprise and making money - heck I wish I had the time and space to offer 'fix it' services to fellow Green Oval owners - I was just asking if what the others were referring too did indeed come in a can with a key..!!

I wish the OP well in his endeavours and hope his cup runneth over - seldom do you get offers of help nowadays.....
I'm all up for a spot of private enterprise and making money - heck I wish I had the time and space to offer 'fix it' services to fellow Green Oval owners - I was just asking if what the others were referring too did indeed come in a can with a key..!!

I wish the OP well in his endeavours and hope his cup runneth over - seldom do you get offers of help nowadays.....

Has your nipple clamp spring tensioning and butt plug contour remodelling business gone bump then? :D:D
Has your nipple clamp spring tensioning and butt plug contour remodelling business gone bump then? :D:D
Morning Tony - I hope this missive finds you well and on the mend!

The Nipple Clamps are slowing in sales but I am hoping for a winter rush before Christmas to boost the sales....but the Butt Plugs are flying out the door, I am in shock of how often people come up to me saying they have bought such and such a butt plug from XYZ supplier, but it fails to reach the 'spot'.

After a quick whipping on of the old latex gloves (H&S obviously nowadays!), a quick fisting of the client to find the right spot he/she wants tickling and I can re-profile that bad boy in no time at all.

I do wish Butt Plug manufacturers would pay more attention the needs of their clients, I mean it isn't hard to ensure the conical front nobbler (as it is known in the business) is given a profile that will allow a spot of frontal curve - this puts it just in the right place, with a bit of twisting you can really get it to gently caress the correct spot.

I mean a custom profile is always going to be superior to a generic front nobbler curve profile, but with a little care an attention you can get the right result.
i would gladly pay £30 pounds per hour for spannering,if i was nearer,well done for asking us,goodluck
Wouldn't get out of bed for £20.00 an hour, never mind £5.00. :D

Lucky you not to need to, after thirteen years of retirement neither would I, but still remember the times ... :rolleyes:
I'm glad the OP has now been assured that some replies have been 'tongue-in-cheek'
Hi all...if you want your pride and Joy repairing but not sure you want to pay Garage prices and are in no rush then message me. I currently have one on the drive awaiting the oil pump and timing chain to be looked at...major work will go next door but they will only charge me £20 an hour...but seriously this is an as and when we can fit it in service but it will save you money.
I have a Vogue V8 on a 58 plate L322 and told it needs a new engine, need help.
I too have a L322 vogue 4.4 v8 petrol 52plate.
Currently trying some stuff out myself but I'm 1.5hrs away maybe if I get real stuck I'll take you up on your offer.

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