
Active Member
Hi all...if you want your pride and Joy repairing but not sure you want to pay Garage prices and are in no rush then message me. I currently have one on the drive awaiting the oil pump and timing chain to be looked at...major work will go next door but they will only charge me £20 an hour...but seriously this is an as and when we can fit it in service but it will save you money.
How rude...I Have always noted how quick to to be less than helpful or constructive some of you are...it's an honest offer from Shropshire...Pay a fortune, see if i care. I have used some of you for help and good advice and now am returning the favour. I am free to do work on the cars i like as i am a professional Musician...I own a Freelander 2, A Classic, An L322, a P38 and Dad has a 90 as well as a classic and the garage next door does Daimler and E-type amongst others...the offers there, I already have customers. Oh look...no swear words or bits thereof.
Just as an aside my Father in Law was Tony Lee...go search...Standard Triumph should appear and don't be rude about it!!!...I have a TR7 and a Scorpio boat on the drive...not just any TR7 though. Be less rude you oh so very thoughtless and quick to be derogatory people...i am offering genuine help to people with a vehicle with pedigree...you want to talk about it the post code is TF11 9ND!!!
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THis all seems a bit heavy, what’s going down ?
I’ve been fixing a TD6 for a mate just because I hated driving past it everyday knowing at some point it was going to be scrapped because he couldn’t afford to fix it and neither knew how.
He has paid me what it has cost which for me is a first as I usually end paying to fix them in one way or another.
Some people do cross words and others do crack, I like to fix land rovers :)
Absolutely...this site is like this, Not sure why. Mad hat Man and Yellow Disco always used to be a voice of reason, Saint V8 was awesome and oh so helpful...spoke to him a couple of times on the phone...great guy, not sure what he is doing now. Maybe the world is just not used to help...anyway the offer stands.
Well done holiday Chicken...the world needs more of us!
I could list a bunch of people i have met, people my father in law new...now what was the name of the guy who was involved with The Velar and the subsequent vehicle Spencer...speedy...oh it escapes me now!!!!! and things i've done around inspirational people in my life but what i like doing is helping people.
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Wasn't one of Saint V8's the Rocket or close to that....apppeared in the Landrover Magazine...he told me about it on the Phone...great pictures of the classic versus the new model...
No serious offence intended but there's a way to do this and a way not to do it. Nobody is going to criticise a thread where somebody comes and recommends a decent garage, just tell us where it is and why they're decent.
What people will criticise is somebody that comes along dangling carrots and talking in riddles. It's not just landyzone - any forum would be the same.
Does anyone want their musical instrument tuned?
I've got a 3ft stilson and a 2lb lump hammer, and a will to use it!!
Just offering.....;)

Oh, and I know ........

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