Im not trying to stir the Sh*t here but as other people have said any car will loose the brake servo and power steering if the engine cuts out. I think maybe the OP should try a German as they never ever, repeat NEVER EVER break down, get an X5 I dont think the tensioners brake on those but they do tend to catch fire without warning, but then we must not mention that in public as its German, not that anyone would belive you anyway, Hmmmm sounds like a Golf.:mad::mad::mad:
perhaps he should suggest his insurer pays for it, it will probably be cheaper than the legal expenses bill. yes there are 40 year old rrs about but there are no 40 year old rr sports or tdv6s about. perhaps he posted on here as part of his claim so he could say he had the full support of a world wide lr forum, instead of the get real posts

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