Write to watchdog giving the garage where you bought the RR bad press might froce them to do something, its worth a try
could you expand on your enlightend response


By going into the dealership who seemingly sold and serviced the car and explaining the situation, I would bet money on the fact that, going in with the right attitude, they would help the OP out. From experience, I would also suggest a goodwill claim from a Dealership is far more successful than from an individual - who spends the most money with LR, after all - the franchised dealer or the individual who bought one car 7 years ago? First port of call should be the dealer (who would carry out the repair work after all) and let them handle the claim with Head Office. Only if that fails would you then bypass the dealer, but in my experience they should be happy to help - it's not costing them anything, after all.

As for the second point, "mass produced euro rubbish" - what, as opposed to those hand built non-european engines fitted to every other car on the road?? Genius.
Thanks for all of your replies.
I agree that being reasonable and polite but firm is everything.
So far I have been offered a 50% contribution by landrover and the quote has gone down by a grand since they became involved.
I have an independent engineer looking at it in the new year with a view to taking things further.
For information, it would seem that the relevant legislation is the sale of goods (implied terms) act 1973 (as amended) and you are covered for six years from new. For the first six months it is for the seller to prove that the vehicle wasn't faulty when sold and after that it's for the customer to prove that it was (Hence the engineer)
And if bought on finance (even if since paid off) the obligation rests first with the finance company,then with the seller and finally with the manufacturer.
So basically provided the engineer has the same opinion of why it failed as the technician in the dealership then I'm going to go for all of them:)
I'm also going to ask VOSA to have a look, in that when the belt fails the thing looses power steering,brake servo and the suspension goes down too,which in the wrong place could be lethal.
I'm a VOSA AE so they might listen to me hopefully.
It seems that I have legal protection insurance to cover the lawyers bills so tally ho!
I'm also going to ask VOSA to have a look, in that when the belt fails the thing looses power steering,brake servo and the suspension goes down too,which in the wrong place could be lethal.
I'm a VOSA AE so they might listen to me hopefully.
It seems that I have legal protection insurance to cover the lawyers bills so tally ho!

Are you a complete Moron?? There isn't a car in the UK (milk floats apart) that don't lose servo/PAS etc etc when the engine dies..
Thanks for the reply,no I'm not a complete moron,and I'm fully aware that when the engine dies the power assistance fails,but on a two ton vehicle on a bend I would construe this as being dangerous ??.
The issue in this case is that the failure was sudden and without warning and could not be predicted by the driver.
If I wanted to spend my spare time patching up an old banger then I'd have bought one and taken it as expected when it broke down,but I didn't.
I think perhaps though I'm posting on the wrong forum given your attitude ,and as you have such a large number of posts to your name I'll say good bye and leave you to it.
I have a tumble dryer that I bought about 10 years ago.... do you think if I get in touch with the manufacturer they will give me a replacement seein as tho the filter is full of fluff?? :rolleyes:
Thanks for the reply,no I'm not a complete moron,and I'm fully aware that when the engine dies the power assistance fails,but on a two ton vehicle on a bend I would construe this as being dangerous ??.
The issue in this case is that the failure was sudden and without warning and could not be predicted by the driver.
If I wanted to spend my spare time patching up an old banger then I'd have bought one and taken it as expected when it broke down,but I didn't.
I think perhaps though I'm posting on the wrong forum given your attitude ,and as you have such a large number of posts to your name I'll say good bye and leave you to it.

On virtually any car a catastrophic engine failure will kill brakes power steering etc etc regardless of size of vehicle only way to cure it is to have air brakes and a pressure fed tank for airbags etc.

You can't sue a manufacturer for what is a simple fact of life. If you win you will outlaw the motorcar overnight?? so attempting to sue on the grounds you've stated is the act of a moron..
I have a tumble dryer that I bought about 10 years ago.... do you think if I get in touch with the manufacturer they will give me a replacement seein as tho the filter is full of fluff?? :rolleyes:

Dont be daft its hardly a 40 grand tumble dryer is it
i refer you to post 13.
I also am a bit concerned about a car that dies and then the braking, steering goes down. Does acceleration suffer also? Doe the 12v charger not top up the iphone any more?How does it affect the heater operation?
Seem's to me that this really does bugger up this new fangled reliability thingy there all on about so much . on a more serious note I have a mate ( yes I do ) who work's at a local not to be named Land Rover dealer's , he reckon's that they would repair the engine and charge 50 % of labour and no part's cost . not to bad , except it's not really an hour's work .
It's a real shame that there's some guys on this forum with massive chips on their shoulders. A guy posts a simple thread about his 4 year old Sport having a casting fail. If I'd paid all that money and had a £9k bill to replace the motor I'd be ****ed off too and want Land Rover to do something about it.
Is it because you all drive old ****ters and the OP drives a nice motor? Get a grip guys, I very rarely post as it's too easy to get flamed on here.
Don't think I'll bother with this forum much now, and no I won't let the door hit my arse on the way out, and yes I'm a dumb newbie and probably a c**t, feel free to add more insults if you're bored of slagging off the OP....:mooning:
Unless it can be proved defective by design, your out of luck- consumer direct will advise you but it is not hopeful.
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It's a real shame that there's some guys on this forum with massive chips on their shoulders. A guy posts a simple thread about his 4 year old Sport having a casting fail. If I'd paid all that money and had a £9k bill to replace the motor I'd be ****ed off too and want Land Rover to do something about it.
Is it because you all drive old ****ters and the OP drives a nice motor? Get a grip guys, I very rarely post as it's too easy to get flamed on here.
Don't think I'll bother with this forum much now, and no I won't let the door hit my arse on the way out, and yes I'm a dumb newbie and probably a c**t, feel free to add more insults if you're bored of slagging off the OP....:mooning:
i suspect this forum isnt for you, rather sooner than later for all our sakes. Id recomend difflock.com

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