Jane Ward

New Member
Hi I posted on wrong forum so trying again, I have a P38 2.5 turbo diesel, she has become a nightmare and totally stuck, she fires after a lot of effort, got no revs and sounds as if she is faltering, she has had new fuel pump, new battery, new glow plugs, new fuse box she is getting fuel but refuses to run on anything other than tick over, any advise would be great, garage plug and play showed no faults
In the getting hotter / getting colder stakes - you are getting decidedly colder.

Try posting in the Range Rover section.

The only help you will get in here involves a box of matches.
Hi Jane,
Generic readers can't access all the RR systems, you need to get it read with a nanocom or hawkeye, these can also read live data from the sensors. Does it rev freely? When you say she fires after a lot of effort, is that from cold or hot?
Hi, thank you for replying, she fires from cold but it takes quite a few goes, she falters quite a lot and isn't running very smoothly, no revs even with foot on the floor
My old dse took 2-3 glow plug cycles to get her to fire up but as yours have been replaced (including #4?) that shouldn't be the issue. When idling does she hunt around?
She went Into a independent land rover garage and had a new front diff and viscous coupling (on transfer box) we drove her 11 miles home without any problems, went to use the next night and she wouldn't start, garage came out and said fuel pump, we renewed, still same problem, we changed glow plugs, checked fuel plus pipes, put on new battery as the one on it was for a petrol and finally fitted new fuse box, we are totally stuck, garage have said they will recover, hopefully this week, but it's getting to a point that financially it's not worth it if I have to keep using garage
When she starts she is OK if just left on tick over, slightly lumpy every now and then, try to rev her and virtually nothing
There is omeone on one of the p38 facebook groups who is mobile and is in your part of the country. I have had a quick look but cannot find him perhaps someone on here knows him. you need diagnostics to give you any chance. perhaps landyzone international rescue map maybe of help
hmmm, sounds like the throttle position sensor or injection timing pump, ideally you need it plugged in to see if there are any codes in there. Get the biggest battery that will fit, they use a lot of power starting up and really don't like low voltages (as all p38's don't). Any messages/lights on the dash?
It has no messages on dash, we thought fuel injector pump but fuel is coming through fine also hoping it's not that as they seem very expensive, thank you everyone for your help
Go on face book and look for mark rouse. I have a picture of a white/ginger cat as my profile pic. Am on all the P38 forums. Am in irthlingborough

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