
Hi everyone..the rear heated window is Land Rover Pilkington has a very dark colour, almost black., small parts of which have flaked, and there are also some scratches.
Is this factory norm or can it be looks a bit unsightly at the moment.
I believe that Optikool is the glass itself, not a coating, so you should find the same name on the door glass as well.

Looks like a previous owner may have had a tint film applied.

+1 had opticool on mine & it certainly wasnt dark. Sounds like an aftermarket tint.
Hi thanks..the glass where tint is missing looks greenish...the car however was a special order...might have a go at removing it....side front windows are darker than front screen, rear side windows very dark like rear...
if you want to remove it without damaging anything, get yourself a steam cleaner and steam it off. the film get brittle with age and it will take hours.. hours and hours and you'll have a sticky reside left which I a pain to get off. using a steamer softens the film so its pliable and softens the sticky residue.

the Suffix A I am restoring had a purple tint film on it, I tried it without the steam first and it it drove me around the twist for hours and I didn't have heating elments to worry about. then I tried the steamer.. and it came off in minutes.

also a steamer is a good tool for cleaning parts of the range rover..

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