Like others I have spent most weekends in my 8 months ownership fixing one thing or another on my 2003 TD6.
Lost count the amount of things I have replaced both electrical and mechanical but the way I see it I have increased my knowledge with regards car mechanics or that’s what I tell the wife.
I had a P38 before and I know the L322 is basically a BMW but the inside tech looks 10 years newer than the P38.
Mine is also suffering from the usual water gathering rear arch and my sills are shot but I still love the L322 shape
"not perfect" is a bit of an understatement IMO judging by the problems on my mates one and others I have come across. I'd sooner have the Defender he has bought to replace it.
Each to their own. We al know you like to take every chance you can to tell the world how crap the L322 is.:rolleyes: That's your opinion and you're entitled to it. As the song says "haters gonna hate".
Like others I have spent most weekends in my 8 months ownership fixing one thing or another on my 2003 TD6.
Lost count the amount of things I have replaced both electrical and mechanical but the way I see it I have increased my knowledge with regards car mechanics or that’s what I tell the wife.
I had a P38 before and I know the L322 is basically a BMW but the inside tech looks 10 years newer than the P38.
Mine is also suffering from the usual water gathering rear arch and my sills are shot but I still love the L322 shape
I find it odd that , my car almost sits in the sea and whilst there are some bubbles, nothing is shot, but according to some, most l322s are rust buckets.:rolleyes:
What do you mean by shot? Do you mean MOT failure, do you mean, few hundred pounds to bodyshop/ a week or so working at home to fix it, or a couple of hundred to the bodyshop and she's right as rain?
I have said mine is going in to get arches done, which got certain members all excited, so here is what I class as off to body shop time. If this is a rust bucket or arches shot, long may that be the definition of it, because when my Disco was a rust bucket, it sure as hell wasn't like this :D:p:D
IMAG2149.jpg IMAG2150.jpg IMAG2151.jpg
I find it odd that , my car almost sits in the sea and whilst there are some bubbles, nothing is shot, but according to some, most l322s are rust buckets.:rolleyes:
What do you mean by shot? Do you mean MOT failure, do you mean, few hundred pounds to bodyshop/ a week or so working at home to fix it, or a couple of hundred to the bodyshop and she's right as rain?
I have said mine is going in to get arches done, which got certain members all excited, so here is what I class as off to body shop time. If this is a rust bucket or arches shot, long may that be the definition of it, because when my Disco was a rust bucket, it sure as hell wasn't like this :D:p:D
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it's doomed :D:D
Each to their own. We al know you like to take every chance you can to tell the world how crap the L322 is.:rolleyes: That's your opinion and you're entitled to it. As the song says "haters gonna hate".
Hate has nothing to do with it, experience of the problems has.
That's just lack of maintenance. The Golden Girl is now 16yrs old and is booked in to get rear arches dealt with by body shop, because there is a couple of inches of corrosion showing. Admittedly it's the second time in my ownership she has gone in BUT if those 'rotten' ones had been looked after properly, they wouldn't be rotten

I fully agree. As the owner of a 30 year old RRC that doesn't appear to have been welded in it's life (I've owned it for the last 10 years) regular corrosion prevention treatment is the way to go BUT the burning question is should owners of modern vehicles need to go to that expense when the manufacturers have such a range of treatments that can be applied at the construction stage? Now that this subject has been raised I admit to knowing two persons who work for LR main stealers (one here in the UK & the other in Australia) who speak of corrosion issues arising during the warranty period. It would appear that LR pulled the stops out with the P38, but then slipped back into their old ways thereafter. When they can shift every vehicle they produce I don't suppose they give a toss, the sooner it falls apart the quicker they can sell another one & I suspect the bean-counters have worked out that it's cheaper to remedy a few issues under warranty than protect the cars properly in the first place.
My cynicism gets worse the older I get :(

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