If I disconnect the sat nav unit will the radio still work? I'm going to look into getting the mk4 unit now this one has given up.
Headlamp wipers are a common reason for battery drains...they sometimes don't park properly meaning the motors are still drawing current.....

Radio will still function with Sat Nav disconnected.
That's the satnav disconnected and fuse 28 left out ill check the same again next week see how much its drawing just to be on the safe side
edit, i think i just replied to a thread from page 1 - oh well, think mine takes a while to shut down completely, as Saint said you can upset it by pulling fuses so may be worth trying to remove fuses for headlamp wipers and the other culprit is final stage resistor i think in the HEVAC but i dont know how else you will track it down unless you want to connect a fuse buddy across every fuse in turn and wait for the system to shut down each time
Might also be worth checking for water ingress around where the rear sat nav unit is as that can cause all sorts of electrical gremlins
Good point! I'll check tomorrow once the Disco is away for it's test. One thing I did notice was when I unplugged the satnav it was quite warm for the short distance I drove.
How have guys dealt with pulling the fuse for the head lamp cleaning system for the MOT? or have you all fixed the problem etc?
yeah I suppose I could, I'm thinking as long as the washer system sprays on the lights it should pass even if the wipers don't function?
you may get away with that although strictly speaking the newer systems have a high pressure jet only and the older systems have low pressure washers fed through the wiper arms.
i had to pay around £300 for the two wiper motors but you can pick them up for around £30 each off ebay. If it is just current drain i would connect them for the MOT and then disconnect them if they are still giving you a problem or just replace them. i think the same fuse supplies the wiper and the washers although i may be wrong.
I don't think wipers are required for the MOT I think its just the spray? so im going to un plug the motors and then put the fuse in so the spray still works and that should be enough I think?
yeah that's what im thinking, ill maybe remove the wipers? after all if they're not there they cant be tested? is it still that attitude now adays?
I wouldn't remove the wipers otherwise it will be obvious they are not there and the water actually sprays through the wiper itself, if you remove them it is likely to shoot water at somebody walking past in the family allowance which probably won't do you any favours and you need water at least if you haven't got wipers if you have the xenon lights that is. if you don't have xenon i don't think you need wipers
ahhh got you! I think ill just un plug the connector to the motors and see how it goes. Would be good if someone could post up the wiring diagram for fuse 28 from Rave then ill get a better understanding and see if the same fuse does both the washers and wipers

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