Can't actually find a wiring diagram but this may help

headlamp wash wipe.jpg
wire codes.jpg
You promised you wouldnt show the pictures of us together to anyone....'for my own personal gratification' you said!!
Hell hath no fury like a Range Rover owner scorned, Happier times with the two of us and Alan, little did i know what you two were plotting .......


Would this be classed as off topic, well as a bi product, (i don't mean you Ant) of our wittering it would seem the OP has the answer he needed, and some information he wasn't banking on too, banking i said ;)
Hell hath no fury like a Range Rover owner scorned, Happier times with the two of us and Alan, little did i know what you two were plotting .......

View attachment 92371

Would this be classed as off topic, well as a bi product, (i don't mean you Ant) of our wittering it would seem the OP has the answer he needed, and some information he wasn't banking on too, banking i said ;)
Do you think that colour suits me?:D:D

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