OP should have bought a Nanocom or whatever and reset the mileage to 20,000 before calling the stealer. :D
[Edit.... Before anyone jumps on me.... Yes, I know the usual tools don't allow you to play with the mileage readings. .... I am joking. ]
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If the engine was running but had become noisy doesn't necessarily mean it's totalled. I heard a rumour that there was an issue with the balance shaft bearings. A friend of a colleague had his engine replaced FOC because of this issue.
It's a long shot but you could enquire with the dealer as to why they say the engine requires replacing?
If they're non commital you could say you're going to get an independant inspection report carried out on the 'blown engine'. Got to be worth a shot to see what reaction you get from them!!
If the engine was running but had become noisy doesn't necessarily mean it's totalled. I heard a rumour that there was an issue with the balance shaft bearings. A friend of a colleague had his engine replaced FOC because of this issue.
It's a long shot but you could enquire with the dealer as to why they say the engine requires replacing?
If they're non commital you could say you're going to get an independant inspection report carried out on the 'blown engine'. Got to be worth a shot to see what reaction you get from them!!

It's past it's service mileage...as a manufacturer would you spend your money on a repair on an engine that hasn't been maintained...did LR do a recall?...
Get the vehicle back, change the oil and drive it till it gives up the ghost?
Hard call to make on what this dude should do though.
Get the vehicle back, change the oil and drive it till it gives up the ghost?
Hard call to make on what this dude should do though.
Learn from his mistake and service his next vehicle regularly. Especially, as this one told him, every time he started it, it was overdue a service. ;)
Thanks all for all your posts and advice.

Just to update. The manufacturer have agreed to pay for the new engine. Yes I was stupid not getting it serviced but the light did get reset by the manufacturer at 7000 miles and I was informed I only needed to service at 2 years. Being naive I followed the advice they gave me and the service light only re-appeared at 28,000 miles at 20 months literally weeks before this issue occurred. Lesson learnt it won't happen again.

Thanks once again for all those who gave advice it was very appreciated.
Thanks all for all your posts and advice.

Just to update. The manufacturer have agreed to pay for the new engine. Yes I was stupid not getting it serviced but the light did get reset by the manufacturer at 7000 miles and I was informed I only needed to service at 2 years. Being naive I followed the advice they gave me and the service light only re-appeared at 28,000 miles at 20 months literally weeks before this issue occurred. Lesson learnt it won't happen again.

Thanks once again for all those who gave advice it was very appreciated.
You are one lucky son of a gun! Very pleased to hear you got a positive result. :D
Result:) normally if they can find a get out clause they will, hope it gets done quick before they change there mind , hope you have it in writing.
i brought the wife a 1.6 turbo rcz cos she wanted one
2 months old and 1100 miles i heard her start it up in the morning
and the cam chain was rattling its tits off
told her to park it up and phone peugeot
she phoned them whilst i was at work she told them what i said about cam chain
they said i didnt know what im talking about and made her drive it to them
she got there no courtesy car ,taxi home no car
three days later phoned up saying its my wifes fault oil was low
went to pick it up,i went with her
tried to come the oil bollocks with me told him he was full of it
gave us the keys started up cam chain ratting its tits off again
new cam chain adjuster and guides
theyre all full of it
Thanks all for all your posts and advice.

Just to update. The manufacturer have agreed to pay for the new engine. Yes I was stupid not getting it serviced but the light did get reset by the manufacturer at 7000 miles and I was informed I only needed to service at 2 years. Being naive I followed the advice they gave me and the service light only re-appeared at 28,000 miles at 20 months literally weeks before this issue occurred. Lesson learnt it won't happen again.

Thanks once again for all those who gave advice it was very appreciated.

Go buy a lottery ticket, uour luck is running high ;)
Joking aside , glad they have stepped up :)
Thanks all for all your posts and advice.

Just to update. The manufacturer have agreed to pay for the new engine. Yes I was stupid not getting it serviced but the light did get reset by the manufacturer at 7000 miles and I was informed I only needed to service at 2 years. Being naive I followed the advice they gave me and the service light only re-appeared at 28,000 miles at 20 months literally weeks before this issue occurred. Lesson learnt it won't happen again.

Thanks once again for all those who gave advice it was very appreciated.
@Longtoe1 .
I'd be changing my name to "luckytoe1sonofagun";)

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