
Well-Known Member
Did anyone listen to Radio2 today? 4x4's have been voted off the road by the radio listening public...

Great... isn't that where they belong!
They'll be voting them off byways next:eek:

Up for the poll were:
White Vans

What would you have voted?
Definately caravans, I mean, whats the point? whats the attraction? why on earth would you want to drive 300+ miles to **** in a bucket? Why dive all that way to park in a field in the ****ing rain and spend a week looking at other caravans? The amount of money people spend to buy a caravan plus the extra petrol to drag it everywhere, they could have paid for a decent holiday abroad!!

90% of the people who listen to radio 2 are over 70 and drive micras anyway
I would have voted off horses, They are a **** mode of transport that **** in the road, unpredictable, bolt, you have to slow right down to pass them and they provide only recreation for the rider.

Years ago it was different, before the days of cars... on todays roads the horse is out of place. Stick to the bridalways where you can enjoy the ride without dangering yourself or others.

And caravans should only be allowed to move between the hours of 3:00am and 3:15am
HGVs I would vote for. Lets get more goods delivered by rail. I am under 70 and listen to radio 2 drive a 4 by 4 for essential reasons, accessing difficult off road areas, and recreational reasons, shooting and working my dog, the rest of the list cause less damage to road surfaces than HGV's
OOGH by the way I forgot to mention if you don't take your four by four off road WHY Flipping have one!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It’s not them you should be knocking; it’s the masters and rich swine’s who want the privilege of keeping the roads to themselves. Don’t let them put us all at each others throats. They collect five times the taxes they spend on our roads so why do they need more to provide a decent road infrastructure as other countries do with far less.

They want to introduce road pricing and congestion charging to force us peasants back to cycles and walking so that we can line their empty route and tip our forelocks as they drive past in their stretched limos. They prefer to keep our taxes for other things, like wars, high incomes and pensions.

Thanks to them our manufacturing industries have gone abroad and we now exist on service type industries such as shining foreign investor’s shoes and serving them in restaurants 24/7. Haven’t you noticed the social changes that make families live apart because they need to travel day and night to any job they can get.

Our masters are planning huge social reforms which suggest we go back to the sustainable village style existence. If that ever happens you won’t need to travel or be able to find work outside of your village. Other villages won’t need you to take away their jobs. You’ll be kept in because the micro chip (previously fitted for a pay as you drive scheme) fitted to the share car won’t allow you on the rich mans highway unless of course your licence to shoe shine is appreciated elsewhere.

When you can't afford to keep your mortgage or pay the rent you'll be glad you bought that old caravan to live in, if you can find somewhere legal to park that is.

No my friends, the highways and byways belong to us and we need to do everything possible to secure them for our future prosperity. If the rich and privileged don’t want to sit in traffic jams next to us sweaty types then make them use some of their highly expensive intellect to improve our transport infrastructure as other countries have done with great success. A quick fix would be to get the police to do their job and take the 25% of illegal drivers and vehicles off the road. Meanwhile support each other, be considerate and patient but don’t ever let the bastards get the better of us. :mad:
A quick fix would be to get the police to do their job and take the 25% of illegal drivers and vehicles off the road. :mad:

i think "LET" is a better wording here. believe me my job as a traffic officer on the motorway is difficult as it is without the goverment, management and others sticking their noses in.
on the bright side since the law changed greater manchester police traffic units have seized over 14000 uninsured vehicles and are currently running, on the motorway itself, at more than 90 untaxed vehicles a month.
i am also glad to say that well over 95% of the the vehicles seized are in fact NOT 4x4's.
this speaks volumes itself i think.
Only another 7,986,000 to go then.
Oh you will make someone very happy.:eek:
Of course everyone will now go out and get 4x4's to avoid getting nicked
Could it be that the only 4x4's in Manchester are owned by police, lawers, magistrates, politicians, tax inspectors, dinner ladies?

Don't give em ideas;)
I am an ordinary fella, who works for a motorcycle race team at the weekends, and drags a £650 shed to the circuit with my White Disco Commercial (VAN) cos I prefer it to sleeping on the floor in a tent, It doesn't realy increase the consumption too much, not to Passenger Jet levels anyway. I cycle to my day job cos it keeps me fit and feel that gym prices are extortionate. I also use the shed for my family treks to the south of France, Switzerland and beyond, which usually takes less time than checking in and sitting waiting for a delayed flight. I have a motorbike too, so as you can see I am a well rounded road user, I do detest all other road users depending on which mode of transport I am using at the time, (Hypocritical ???) I too get stuck behind road users, even with my shed attached.

What ever happened to "Live and let live" Never mind EH !!!!

TTFN Wilbur.
I go camping every year in Worcestershire, usually in a tent. I wouldnt mind sleeping in a caravan but couldnt be bothered with a) keeping one outside my house all year. b) towing it 200 odd miles. Anyone know where I could pick one up for hire on Fri 24th Aug and drop off on tues 30th? Obviously I would want the pick up to be en route somewhere in midlands on way to Evesham area. Not seen anything on the net.

As far as cycling goes, I have recently taken to cycling to work every day. I am only 1 mile away and I've heard that short unneccesary trips in a Tdi arent dood for it. It actually says in the handbook do not use on uneccesary short journeys!

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