
New Member
Hi we go again you guys have been so very helpfull in the past few weeks,,,,,and my sincere thanks go out to you all.....may
i burden you one more time if i you are all probably know a few months ago i changed the bmw engine for a 2.5 out of a bmw far so good......refitted old auto box witch worked perfectly when came off....all assembled nicely, now i need a tame mechanic or equal competant person to come along with a diagnostic setup to sort out where and what the faults are,,,,,,,anyone know of someone within say 40miles of fishguard/ haverfordwest area in west wales,,,who can help....of course there will be suffient financial incentive to make this short i need someone who knows these beasts.......after owning it for far its only been on the road for now getting desperate ......thanks for reading.........chris

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