Did a search but didn't. Get my answer, I have 3 lights on had a diagnostic done and it said rear abs sensor. My question is, after I have new sensor fitted will lights automatically go out or does anything else need doin? Thanx
It should do... As long as the sensor is fitted correctly personally if I was you I would also replace the abs ring at the same time then you no the abs on that corner is new
my local place wanted almost 200 just for the sensor without ring which they said was a whole CV joint
i used these sensor on the L series i had i did have problem with 1 or 2 which turned out to be a damaged box but once sorted i had no more problems with the cheapo and the guy who has it now has no problems
luck of the draw but thats what paypal claims are for lol also helped having my own hawkeye as well in the end and couldnt imagine the cost of trips to diag the new sensors faulty at £50 an hour