I havnt heard of that test before so I wouldnt bother with the results lol.

have you checkd the rad gets hot all over etc?
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It had overheated for maybe 20 seconds if that. I then pulled over for it to cool down and 10 minutes later it started feeling really slugish and wouldn't "kick down" so i pulled over and it conked out then with smoke also coming out of the air intake pipe.
It had overheated for maybe 20 seconds if that. I then pulled over for it to cool down and 10 minutes later it started feeling really slugish and wouldn't "kick down" so i pulled over and it conked out then with smoke also coming out of the air intake pipe.[/quoteWhy did you underline air intake pipe ?????
Ok got a question??????? Have been noticing that when certain group of words are used together they underline themselves and then when you click on the underlined words it takes you to a flea bay site??????????? WTF is happening???????????

I did not underline the above word group
its been like that for a good long while, probbablyt since you joined.the 2 are not related
you joining and hotlinks becoming inbedded in threads. The hot links have been around for about 6 months, as have you.I suspect you didnt bring em wiv ya.
Update time, after my little test and checking for any signs of the head gasket having blown... all of which so far have come up blank I've been scratching my head as where to go next.

It finally left a nice big patch of water on the drive! Right under the new water pump, finally something to go on! Looks like the pump was changed but the old gasket and silicone has been used to seal it back up again! I mean... why!? :mad:

Ordered a new pump, gasket, thermostat and expansion cap. Thought I'd try the cheap bits first before I start pulling the engine to bits.

Checked the viscous fan while I was routing about and just wondered if they should have any play in them? I can move mine about a couple of cm if you pull it about when stone cold, it behaves like it should and doesn't freewheel excessivly and as I've said, she's not overheating but should I looking to change it as well at some point.
Vc fan shouldn't have this amount of play,half a cm.is the max tolerance i sudgest to replace it while changing the pump.
frosty man i know what you feel,as for me i am waiting for an engine now,i am paying for the mistakes of the p/o,everything was replaced in my cooling system,including h/g and skimming the heads to find out after that the block is fooked,and the mecanic gave the engine a chance and thought that it will be fixed after fixing the heads and of course charging for labour,your problems are just begining i recommend you start saving money from now every month to replace your block,it will need replacing i hope far in the future but a time will come and the unevitable will show up.good luck,cheers,
as for the vc fan i sudgest u buy the oem one or you will replace it again soon.
Well, bits arrived this afternoon. Changed the expansion bottle cap as its a quicky before heading to edinburgh shopping and after a long run she was hissing from the cap but not losing water. Got back home and as I pulled onto the drive the temp started to climb and heard the rushing of water. Turned it off and popped the bonnet to see water and steam coming from the pump area... its was ****ing out! Tried to see where from but it had stopped by the time I had run back from the garage with a bloody torch but looks like it was coming from either the lower part of the seal or from a hole in the side of the pump? is this possible?

Also noticed little copper flakes in the expansion bottle cap... some bugger has thrown a bottle of sealer in there at some point I reakon! Going to rip the whole lot apart tomorrow and see whats what and hope the Viscous fan turns up sharpish!

On the plus side my Rangie is obviously a gentleman, at least it had the decency to pish itself once it got home! :D
if its a britpart pump it may not have lasted even the time till now so it could just be the seal on it failed letting water out the emergency hole which is there to save the bearing when the main seal lets go I think

Drove it like that one on an old nissan slapper untill it let all the water out on the short drive home from work lol :p
welcome to the club of disintegrated blocks please join me lets have a drink together while parking our rr next to each others and torching them up and roasting marshmellows,just imagine the scenario and listen to the sound of exploding eas airbags set on fire psh psh psh psh 4 of them.
good luck mate you will need it,guess your having a bad time like me.cheers.
they are ****e , but we love em when they work.

I bought a isuzu for when I need a 4x4 that actually works and kept my range rover to tinker with :p

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