old engine oil every year it would never rust remember the mini subframes , the back always rusted front never did due to the engine dropping a bit of oil on it every time it was used.
My P38's chassis is like new and she use to launch boats and play around in shyte infested fields.

So pretty good, got photographic evidence ;)

Seen many FL1's with split and rotten rear subframes.

Disco's always rot, lack of underbody care will see one rot very quickly
My P38's chassis is like new and she use to launch boats and play around in shyte infested fields.

So pretty good, got photographic evidence ;)

Seen many FL1's with split and rotten rear subframes.

Disco's always rot, lack of underbody care will see one rot very quickly
Tis just er shame the feker won't start and yer int old enough yer be able ter drive it.
If discos didn't rot away then we wouldn't have such an abundant supply of 2nd hand fantastic tdi engines to use.
Also, it's not just Land Rovers. Nissan corrosion protection is shocking. I had a 2004 Patrol that looked lovely on top and ran great, but the underside looked like bear metal that had been sat at the bottom of the sea for 30 years.
HiLux / Disco comparison isn't really apples for apples either and prices for same year and condition are vastly different
If discos didn't rot away then we wouldn't have such an abundant supply of 2nd hand fantastic tdi engines to use.
Also, it's not just Land Rovers. Nissan corrosion protection is shocking. I had a 2004 Patrol that looked lovely on top and ran great, but the underside looked like bear metal that had been sat at the bottom of the sea for 30 years.
HiLux / Disco comparison isn't really apples for apples either and prices for same year and condition are vastly different
Oil - a great idea but would it have stopped rust if I had started spraying three years ago ? I had it undersealed. Lots of good engines around but why are they needed? If I was making cars that lasted and lasted there would be a different customer base - not the glitzy/well-heeled ones but those who were happy to buy goods that lasted, that had a ready and realistic after market and I would be proud to see so many of the vehicles I had made on the roads after so many years. Compared to the competition..... if every other car on the road was a Land Rover what would that be like? Any customer could choose their entry level....and work their way up to buying a new one to be kept and cherished for 30+ years? It could even be worthwhile buying replacement engines, re-wiring, replacing headlamps, seats, keys and fobs, ACE pipes etc at a price.
Electric comes and engines we know are doomed (Bridgend?) unless hydrogen takes over (do these use variants of internal combustion engines?) but rust will still be there. Fix it and let future vehicles take advantage of advances in technology - not spraying dirty oil everywhere. A pity to lose crash gearbox skills, empathy with the vehicle and terrain.... ah, well.
Spraying under seal on you’re disco will have made it rot out far quicker than if you had oil sprayed it

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