
Well-Known Member
FairFuelUk says - Name, Shame and Prosecute Oil Price Exploiters - NOW! Blog

Please try and take the poll here to call for a public enquiry

Lets hope its payback time :mad:
It's not Rocket science is it? Governments or despotic ruling "elite" of any country are the main instigators of any form of price inflation and fixing.
Fuel is too cheap, too many cars, lots of wasted miles.

Haulage it needs to be less
Private man it needs to be more ( we won't like it but unless habits change it will keep going up )
Fuel is too cheap, too many cars, lots of wasted miles.

Haulage it needs to be less
Private man it needs to be more ( we won't like it but unless habits change it will keep going up )

Less haulage?
How do you propose moving goods around the country then?
Indeed haven't they just spent millions upgrading the Peterborough - Birmingham line for extra clearance so that more container freight can travel from the eastern ports to the midlands?
Fuel is too cheap, too many cars, lots of wasted miles.

Haulage it needs to be less
Private man it needs to be more ( we won't like it but unless habits change it will keep going up )

Somebody shoot that man!

There is no way that transport fuel prices will drop for the haulage industry. The revenue paid to the government every time a truck fills up is tremendous... removing all that money from the government's coffers would be folly on their part, and we wold be the first ones complaining about all the extra cuts that would have to be made in order to pay for those hundreds of millions of pounds of revenue lost.

Why should haulage prices be artificially reduced in any case? They represent part of the market forces that set the prices of goods in the shops. Since we are not looking at an inflation explosion at the moment, effectively subsidising the haulage industry would simply remove their motivation to run ever more efficient operations and saving money that way.

As for charging private motorists more for their fuel...

This is simply another way of bashing poor people and making them suffer even more than they are already from a system that is designed to support the wealthy. Now there is nothing wrong with being wealthy... but a 20% rise in fuel prices affects those with little money much more than it does those with a lot. People who live outside towns and rely on their vehicles for simple transport to and from work or school would be penalised and for what? No reason at all.

Seems like a poorly thought out plan and would be an irresponsible act for any minister to propose.:rolleyes:

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