Ooooh, actually, checking the map again .. we did drive it North to South!!!!

I suspect what they meant is downhil .. we drove uphill, only very slight gradient, maybe 1 in 15/20, but according to Trailwise we drove it THE RIGHT WAY ... ;)
Yeah, I'll borrow me sons computer .. he has a few .. I'm on the laptop.

Trailwise does actually say "4x4 use from North to South only please" It is a request only though ...

As I said earlier, this is all after the fact, we screwed up a tiny bit, ****e happens .. I won't lose sleep over it.
nuff said, but all the land ,no matter how crap is national park, so the farmer has to even repair damage he causes.and that lane is too narrow but not untill you are all ready in there.i used to ride it 25 years ago with the trf and it was over grown then.local knowledge is priceless.
nuff said, but all the land ,no matter how crap is national park, so the farmer has to even repair damage he causes.and that lane is too narrow but not untill you are all ready in there.i used to ride it 25 years ago with the trf and it was over grown then.local knowledge is priceless.

You do know it then .. Is the farmer who's moaning a young chap then? 'cos he did seem quite happy we'd just made a mistake?
Right guys and galls just to let you all know i have been informed that a farmer in the south lakes who has a lane which runs up through his field (WHICH HAS A ONE WAY ON IT ,DOWN) a group off landrovers tryed to go up the lane and failed so then went on to his field and chewed it to s@@t so he then stopped them in his tractor has got the registration numbers and is going to try his best to prosecute the said the person leading probably thinks it was a laugh but it is just what the national park are looking for, so well i will probably get a load of abuse but as i live around here i like to still use the lanes that are still left.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now the one I reckon this might be is the Oxen-Ickenthwaite route as I did notice a bit of churned up field on it.

Hopefully he was just in a bad mood anyway, how did you happen to come into contact with him ? Were you out laning today ?

Our group, likely.

We'd followed a track, clearly marked at the start with no indication as to direction, that later went across a field according to the map.

Half of us got across the field, through a gate and while we waited for the others further along the track, the farmer came along the road, stopped his tractor almost out of sight and walked over. He shouted us we'd gone over his field and not used the track. We apologised, he agreed the track couldn't be driven, but that it was the legal route through 'his' field. It was also legal where we were parked and through the gate, just that going over his field was wrong. We agreed with him that those still in the field turned round, those of us on the legal bit carried on. He suggested this as best for the land .. and he left quite happily that we were going to update Trailwise

We were probably 10 yards from the 'real' track, an honest mistake when using 1:50000 maps, he said only trailbikes make it through these days and we chatted about various things .. He started off beligerent, and left us quite happily!

Dunno how he took numbers 'cos he never went near the vehicles.

The actual track was a jumble of broken walls and trees/hawthorn bushes .. i doubt I'd ride a bike through! When we got to the road there was again a Public Way sign, but no indication or signage that there was a one way system or traffic direction in force. How were we to know that?

He's talking out his arse, basically ... ;)

Just out of question what was the final head count of your group ? That may have added to his mood?

I know it was fairly big, just wondering if it could have upset him?

Can I ask if this lane was on the Docs route. We did two days in the area and never came across this lane :confused::confused::confused::confused:

As above I'm wondering if it was the lane we did on sunday which had the churned up patch on the side ? As that wasn't particularly well signed

Anyway if the farmer has indeed been ****ed off and the offer of payment or help was offered on the day then so be it, if he didn't want it he didn't want it even if he is now ****ed off his first thought was probably just "get them off my land"

Just for the sake of the locals who do drive these more often make sure it doesn't happen again and the trailwise "hint" is followed, no point ****ing off the farmer who could quite easily go out of his way to block the lane if he gets really ****ed off like you get down south and in the peaks.

It was a decent weekends laning and a sincere apology was given after a mistake was made so lets leave it at that and hope nothing more comes of it
Bit of a look on Trailwise, think I've found the lane in question. There is a request from the LDNPA to drive North to South and several comments about wayfinding being awkward.

For this reason, I left it off our route as there was plenty of other stuff to go at.
Bit of a look on Trailwise, think I've found the lane in question. There is a request from the LDNPA to drive North to South and several comments about wayfinding being awkward.

For this reason, I left it off our route as there was plenty of other stuff to go at.

I know :D That addition you put into our route was absolutely brilliant, I think its probably the best lane I have done yet :D:D:D:D
Nope, not that lane, and I ain't saying which publicly ...

We did actually follow Trailwise, driving North to South, but it does need updating which we said we'd do .. and are getting done.

Size of group didn't matter to him at all, he only saw maybe three vehicles ..

I think he is ****ed that there's a Byway at all and that's why the 'real' way over his land has busted down walls and is almost hidden unless you know it. The OS 1:25k (I now know) shows the way we went as the correct direction, it doesn't show the track dog-legging to the start of the 'real' track ... If he put signs up, or opened the track/cleared the walls we'd take notice and use it properly, and so would others.

No more to say.
Bit of a look on Trailwise, think I've found the lane in question. There is a request from the LDNPA to drive North to South and several comments about wayfinding being awkward.

For this reason, I left it off our route as there was plenty of other stuff to go at.

Not the one I was thinking of in that case then

There was a good amount to go at :p even repeating a couple during sunday was a good plan!
And some really really good ideas came from our group on Sunday. In response to being told about my Freelander laning trip, Stenova has had the brilliant idea of the £500 Freelander challenge (or something similar) I will let him explain
Nope, not that lane, and I ain't saying which publicly ...

We did actually follow Trailwise, driving North to South, but it does need updating which we said we'd do .. and are getting done.

Size of group didn't matter to him at all, he only saw maybe three vehicles ..

I think he is ****ed that there's a Byway at all and that's why the 'real' way over his land has busted down walls and is almost hidden unless you know it. The OS 1:25k (I now know) shows the way we went as the correct direction, it doesn't show the track dog-legging to the start of the 'real' track ... If he put signs up, or opened the track/cleared the walls we'd take notice and use it properly, and so would others.

No more to say.

hardly the point with the threat of stopping vehicular use hanging over everyone

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