I think we need 10 pages of cake, M&S Sandwiches and gate descriptions

I'll start with the cake

nothing wrong with making mistakes we all do at times its just the sentence seemed to be trying to justify it

Not really, just saying that if the real route weren't confused by having the map point the right way, walls not knocked down and undergrowth not allowed to overtake the track it might be more obvious which way to go .. he could make it far easier for himself with simple signage, rather than having to 'fix' any resultant mess.

There is no way, no matter how good your research is, could you know the 'real' route without extra local knowledge, or the farmer being there to point the anomaly out!.
nothing wrong with making mistakes we all do at times its just the sentence seemed to be trying to justify it
I dont think Paul is trying to justify it James, I was in the group and runing mm on my ipad, he very quickly put his hand up to say it was us when the issue arrose, the lane in question fitted in well with a route we had planned using trailwise as a guide, 4 of us use mm with i pads and we all agreed the route was along the faint tracks on the ground ( and checking the logged route on my mm it appears it was). it wasnt untill halfway between the 2 gates that a 10m patch of land turned out to be boggy but was too late to retreat, those of us who where already commited continued and manovered through a very narrow gate way, this is when the farmer approached us. to be fair he could have been told where to go as we where on the route, but we appologised and said we would update trailwise accordingly, he went on to say it was mainly trail bikes that use the lane nowadays and left happy.
just to point out we found a cracking lane by accident on the map 3 of us drove down the beginning of the lane ( tarmac) to find the lane ran vertically along 2 boundaries of a very well manicured lawn, (2 signs also enforced this) and then accross a meadow. we decided to leave the lane alone as the lawn would have been chewed up as would the meadow.
The remaining other half of the group drew attention in the village and the farmer came down the lane, we met him on our retreat and he pulled into a field to let us pass. I stopped and got out to talk to the farmer, he said whats up? couldnt we get across the river? I just said we had stopped in the farm yard and walked a fair way but haddent seen the river crossing but we didnt want to damage the ground. He thanked us and said he wished all users where the same.
We also on the trip home took in a few lanes, several having home made dead end or no vehicle signs. we found another gem that hasnt been driven for a while and even walked the route a while with the ipad to clarrify the correct route, we backed out of that further on the route as the ground became very waterlogged. We will do any lanes the more technical and overgrown the better but will not delliberatley damage land in doing so
nuff said, but all the land ,no matter how crap is national park, so the farmer has to even repair damage he causes.and that lane is too narrow but not untill you are all ready in there.i used to ride it 25 years ago with the trf and it was over grown then.local knowledge is priceless.

yeh i know where you mean, no markings at all, besides a reccy!! or whatever, impossible unless you live here, there is so many wide footpaths that are a footpath only but farmer giles uses them to get to his fields, so very easy to go off track, you gotta see it from both sides, farmer pist off as all the damage, but once committed as going down the track how do you turn a barge around in a bog??? walkers are just as bad also, jumping over walls etc litter, so farmer has alsorts of things going wrong, the pics on here are really good, even better as i recognise a lot of places, as we are keen on the mountain bikes also live here, even we get lost sometimes!! the worst part of this trip from a spectators point is A split, some say no route etc pmd, then a sort of break away group, i don't know really as i was not involved! Maybe too many in the group??? as ground conditions are really wet, one of sarahs pics shows a VW camper, that belongs to a customer of ours, He' a park Ranger!! goes all round Coniston side Hence Hodge close with the divers, No suicide's thank god! but as beasty has said you have to respect the farmer as it is his lively-hood!!! But very good pics and vids, A good time looks to be had by all,
Not really, just saying that if the real route weren't confused by having the map point the right way, walls not knocked down and undergrowth not allowed to overtake the track it might be more obvious which way to go .. he could make it far easier for himself with simple signage, rather than having to 'fix' any resultant mess.

There is no way, no matter how good your research is, could you know the 'real' route without extra local knowledge, or the farmer being there to point the anomaly out!.

was he on a Blue Newholland tractor? The farmer that is?
Well a bit late but we had a cracking weekend a big thanks to the Doc for sorting the trip out and also to zip for the effortless leading:D. Never been on a ferry green laning before so that was a first.I think the highlight of the weekend was Suew first the reversing:eek::D and then at the start and end of most of the lane wielding a crowbar around in the cab off the landy just looked so funny it was as if she had road rage and was about to get out and teach somebody a lesson.Any way here are the pics that i took and the video is what my 10 year old son did on his ipad while we were laning.:D

Lake District 2014 - YouTube




this is Suew getting some speed up before the hill as it was stuck in high box at the time.






View from the Docs


And for those that didn't get there the view from the top of Parkmoor :D

we did thankyou, although many of the lanes seem to have been graded since my last trip up there and would be passable in any 4x4 but the scenery is still fantastic

parkamoor still gives a challenge, we didn't have a chance to drive stile or breasthigh

how were they ?
parkamoor still gives a challenge, we didn't have a chance to drive stile or breasthigh

how were they ?
Style end has had considerable work done but we didnt get to breasthigh road as we where a fair way off with the route we had, i believe there has been a considerable amount of work done to it though
Well a bit late but we had a cracking weekend a big thanks to the Doc for sorting the trip out and also to zip for the effortless leading:D. Never been on a ferry green laning before so that was a first.I think the highlight of the weekend was Suew first the reversing:eek::D and then at the start and end of most of the lane wielding a crowbar around in the cab off the landy just looked so funny it was as if she had road rage and was about to get out and teach somebody a lesson.Any way here are the pics that i took and the video is what my 10 year old son did on his ipad while we were laning.:D

Lake District 2014 - YouTube
bob, by far one of the best vids I've seen on here.
bloody big well done!

btw, what was the second soundtrack on the vid?
I will tell him in the morning Neil,i have to say i was impressed with it to say it was done on the lanes :D.the second tune is Paolo Nutini Growing up beside you.

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