There must 'ave been another crew out... the one i saw was red with 3 90's... all occupants looked well knackered... must have been all the freshair...
Oh this was silver with a green 110 and two 90's

I've not taken my disco out in the best part of a year, just haven't had the time
Saw a silver/grey 110 XS in town tonight parked in front of the big green D2 would that be you stones ?
I'd like to apologise to my group in advance..........

Also bring earplugs, you'll need them

I thought you'd be apologising to group 2 first......... They is our rescue group after all :p:p:lol:

Still I'm so glad I'm not driving behind you :eek:

Its all good just don't fancy being deaf by the end of a lane following his monstrosity:D

Plus being a bit further back might get me out of helping changing any halfshafts ;)

And doc spreadsheet has been edited for accuracy :p:p:D

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