Bloody hell! At the time of typing this, there's 30 guests viewing this thread!! Who the hel are they? RAF search & rescue? Bunch of thieving pikeys circling like vultures waiting for stuck Land Rovers next year? :(

Apparently guests are good according to the management
Stickers 3 quid ? PayPal what we coming to ? What happened to good old fashioned trust of someone's word to pay on receipt of goods at the said weekend ??

Or you could get some one who lives very close to Top cat to collect them and sort it out? Some one like me who lives just round the corner from him.
well just checked I'm off, so aslong as i can get the trailer and some to tow it up ill come! ..providing theres space
Who went green laning yesterday...? saw 4 likely looking LR's trundling through Coniston yesterday afternoon while out with the dogs...:D
wasn't me! But I did pass four this morning on my way to preston, very nice tricked up disco running white mach 5's and 3 fenders

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