got home just intime for topgear, fuel cost £100, no damage but a big drop and knock broke my new monitor :( i also need some bungie cords to keep stuff held down as everything in the back was going flying lol

Oh btw im home now :)
I saw he got a little bit of lane time :) although most of the time spent on parkamoor was watching our lunatic Dave in his old 90 bouncing up everything in high range!
I'm finally home :)

Even though my series never made it up there was great to come up anyway and meet you all. :)
Had the most fantastic weekend. Thanks to the Doc for organising it and his mum for looking after us so well. If anyone wants a trip to the lakes it a great place to stay.
Was lovely to meet, and drink with, everyone on Friday :D:D and Saturday :D:D Had a great deal of vodka but luckily no hangovers.
My Landy decided to break the linkage thing which changes from low to high box so Andy fixed it so I could lift the plate in the centre and change from low to high with a crowbar :D:D Must have looked very strange to passers by.
Thanks to our group, especially Zip for leading both days and looking after us. Although some of the lanes were very hard and mine got a few knocks underneath she kept going :D
And I got up Parkamoor ON MY OWN, Zip and Andy decided to choose the toughest lane I have ever seen to make me work out how to get up it, without any help :D:D:D And the proof is following

These are just the pics from my phone as I cant use the proper camera when I'm driving. Will upload the others later

Top of Parkamoor, didn't like the drop off the side

Same place, I couldn't turn round :D after getting up there on my own too. Zip had to drive it

Sorted :D:D:D:D

These are all our group getting to the top

Grizedale I think

Somewhere else :D:D

I saw he got a little bit of lane time :) although most of the time spent on parkamoor was watching our lunatic Dave in his old 90 bouncing up everything in high range!

Low range is for pussys :p. Anyway twas fun and good to throw it around a bit for a change :D

I'm finally home :)

Even though my series never made it up there was great to come up anyway and meet you all. :)

Glad you got home eventually mate, that's some drive
Low range is for pussys :p. Anyway twas fun and good to throw it around a bit for a change :D

Glad you got home eventually mate, that's some drive

I thought you were off to bed :p

Low range may have helped the engine from cooking further up the lane though ;)
Low range is for pussys :p. Anyway twas fun and good to throw it around a bit for a change :D

Glad you got home eventually mate, that's some drive

Was good fun to watch you nailing it up parkamoor! :D I have a video or 2 to upload ;)

And Cheers :) glad you made it home too:eek: :)
Some drive yes, definitely worth it though ;)

And if it happens again I will be doing it in the series without fail :eek:

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