So who is going to be at the Hole in the Wall on Friday or Saturday night, are those staying out of the town joining us????

Depends what time we get there if it's to late Friday night we will def be there Saturday night
I need to get up early enough to drive down there from Hamilton :(:( it'll kill me. Reckon the dog won't be best pleased either but at least he can sleep on the way down
I'm not going anywhere till I've had my breakfast - you really wouldn't want to meet me before I'd had it 😈
I'm fine without coffee but more like a zombie than a human. I reckon my breakfast will be some junk food from a service station on the way down
I know its 2.5hrs in a car lol, I've gotta get up and get ready, pick my mate up in warrington, stop for breakfast, fuel stop near bowness

that should easily use 4hrs :eek:

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