they are all standard for now until I modify a ford 9" to fit

I just plan on writing off shafts every so often.......may as well make them the weak link
looks like drivel has finally finished his series monster!

Ohhh no wait............


But this is prety cool :)
Starting to look forward to weekend now !! Hope between us we all got enough spares/parts that we might need !! Is there a good parts shop in your neck of the woods doc ?
Well, got my landy ready.. didn't think it would do it in time!:eek:
But.. its randomly developed a problem.. keeps cutting out under power!!?!?!
So unless I can sort is ASAP I'll have to cancel! :mad2::frusty:
Well with this new disco i have only got big tires and a steering guard on it as only had it on road just over a week.
It has had a full service and got cb fitted.
I have not even had chance to show it any mud or rocks as of yet so just hope that it copes alright lol.
But really looking forward to the trip now, can not wait to see old friends and meet some new one's :D
B&b booked nice chap even getting up early to make us breakfast so we not going to be late for start times !! We're staying on Craig walk !! Not too far to stagger back from hole in wall I hope !! Lol

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