Not dropped but you lot seem to have decided to do your own thing, DavidSally is now in charge of you lot seeing as its apparently his new group so take it up with him
Not so much do our own thing, just be in groups with peeps we know, just like your group and others.
No sweat
OK, so just to clarify, the NORT group want to stay together and do their own route and work their way back home on Sunday.

They will still be there for the two nights and Saturdays laning.

Is it the end of the world. I asked for our group to stay together and slightly amend the route.

Does this really need to create conflict. There will still be plenty of people doing the original route.

Cant we still all be friends :D:D:D
OK, so just to clarify, the NORT group want to stay together and do their own route and work their way back home on Sunday.

They will still be there for the two nights and Saturdays laning.

Is it the end of the world. I asked for our group to stay together and slightly amend the route.

Does this really need to create conflict. There will still be plenty of people doing the original route.

Cant we still all be friends :D:D:D

Well that wasn't quite how it came across in the PM I received......they are wanting to do their own route from what I understand in order to only cover the more challenging lanes in the area

I know there are plenty doing the original route and it now works out very nicely number wise given the others are on their own route. They may be doing the same lanes but in the order we're in it'll work out real nice now.

If they want to start at Stile end the only place I see a pile up possibly occurring would be Parkamoor but there are some small passing places up there if needed but I doubt this will happen
Seems a real shame on a trip like this to miss an opportunity to mix it up and get to know new folk
i thought thats what we where all doing, i think the fact we have said we will sort our selfes out regards routes etc would have made organisation etc easier. I dont think anyone said we would be totally excluded from everything else
Let me just check this out - we are all adults, we are all mad about Land Rovers and green laning, we all want to have a laugh and enjoy ourselves so why oh why are we getting all tetchy and falling out? I for one want to enjoy my weekend and meet some new friends without any hassle - I get enough of that at work!
Splinter Cell .. pmsl ...

Gotta say summat .. we haven't heard anything further to the organisation with less than two weeks to go. Have you recce'd any lanes? Have you re-sorted groups? No-one knows. We don't even know if you've re-done the route to take out the obvious anomalies (parkamour was so obvious I cba to check further) we've heard nothing from you!!

All we're doing is simply starting at a different start point .. FFS there are hardly any 'hard' lanes in the Lakes so we'll probably be crossing tracks all over ..

We still intend to join up for any meetups at night .. BUT NO-ONE KNOWS WHERE THEY ARE .. which is the whole point!
Well that wasn't quite how it came across in the PM I received......they are wanting to do their own route from what I understand in order to only cover the more challenging lanes in the area

I know there are plenty doing the original route and it now works out very nicely number wise given the others are on their own route. They may be doing the same lanes but in the order we're in it'll work out real nice now.

If they want to start at Stile end the only place I see a pile up possibly occurring would be Parkamoor but there are some small passing places up there if needed but I doubt this will happen

Perhaps its a communication issue but it could also be cost. A few people have mentioned that the route will be terrific but it cover a lot of miles of tarmac, particularly the run almost to the coast. Doing a shorter Saturday route and working home on Sunday would half the diesel. Just a thought

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