Why've I been moved:confused: don't the Yorkshire buggers want me anymore:Cry::Cry::Cry:
Dave is loud ...we got some priceless double takes driving thru Hawes the other weekend:D:D:D
Does being in group 1 mean we are all going to need hearing aids by the end of the weekend:eek:

Originally Posted by Dr_evil View Post
Group one - V8 and Series fail group

1 - nick2303 (our fearless leader!)
2 - Sarah90 (loud 90)
3 - Robbh (tw*t one) plus a gate bitch
4 - Lakes Rob sandwiched between the two ****s in series (loud disco)
5 - Dr Evil (tw*t two) possibly plus company (stupidly loud thing)
6 - TD5Power and his mum or sheep (deaf in a 110)

Group two - Group ones rescue squad

1 - DavidSally
2 - Steve999
3 - stenova
4 - One Stop
5 - Dizzytim
6 - Johnlad

Group three - Yorkshire buggers

1. Gdhaydock - leader
2. 200
3. Difflock
4. Suew (group admin assistant)
5. Nrgserv (provisional at the moment)
6. lowey

Group four - No longer on the reserve list

1. Paul D (Chief map reader)
2. timandmick
3. defender11069
4. Maddogminder
5. Defenderdog1
6. Sirstones

Reserve list

1. Samc88
2. Drewster

Wasn't me :eek::) Blame the doc

However I have a better idea

The posh laners from Yorkshire

1. Gdhaydock - leader
2. 200
3. Difflock
4. Suew (group admin assistant)
5. Nrgserv (provisional at the moment)
6. lowey

Group two - rescue squad but they wont be needed as we are leaving group 4 behind

1 - DavidSally
2 - Steve999
3 - stenova
4 - One Stop
5 - Dizzytim
6 - Johnlad

Group three - typical doc, the chief map reader is in the third group so the first two will get lost

1. Paul D (Chief map reader)
2. timandmick
3. defender11069
4. Maddogminder
5. Defenderdog1
6. Sirstones

Group four - the noisy lot who will annoy everyone, but it wont matter cause they are going last. Also most likely to break down and as they are last we can leave them behind and pretend we dont know them group

1 - nick2303 (our fearless leader!)
2 - Sarah90 (loud 90)
3 - Robbh (tw*t one) plus a gate bitch
4 - Lakes Rob sandwiched between the two ****s in series (loud disco)
5 - Dr Evil (tw*t two) possibly plus company (stupidly loud thing)
6 - TD5Power and his mum or sheep (deaf in a 110)
I may shuffle everything again later and make sure every group has a noisy person in it! Equality and all that ;)

Group one - The captains in charge!

1. Paul D (Arrrr cap'n! Not going down with the ship)
2. timandmick
3. defender11069
4. Maddogminder
5. Defenderdog1
6. Sirstones

Group Two - The noisy lot who will annoy everyone, spreading joy by sharing the sounds of roaring V8's and spinny turbo things with the world.
Also most likely to break down because Robs got a slitty engined series

1 - nick2303 (our fearless leader!)
2 - Sarah90 (loud 90)
3 - Robbh (tw*t one) plus a gate bitch
4 - Lakes Rob sandwiched between the two ****s in series (loud disco)
5 - Dr Evil (tw*t two) possibly plus company (stupidly loud thing, watch out for flying rocks and half shafts!)
6 - TD5Power and his mum or sheep (deaf in a 110)

Group three - Voted least likely group to get stuck thanks to Johnlad

1 - DavidSally
2 - Steve999
3 - stenova
4 - One Stop
5 - Dizzytim
6 - Johnlad

Group four - The posh laners from Yorkshire who will no doubt be staying in a BnB because campings far too vulgar! Get to go last and be far away from the noise and smog :p it also means you can take many photos and not hold us up! ;)

1. Gdhaydock - leader
2. 200
3. Difflock
4. Suew (group admin assistant)
5. Nrgserv (provisional at the moment)
6. lowey
Group four - The posh laners from Yorkshire who will no doubt be staying in a BnB because campings far too vulgar! Get to go last and be far away from the noise and smog :p it also means you can take many photos and not hold us up! ;)

1. Gdhaydock - leader
2. 200
3. Difflock
4. Suew (group admin assistant)
5. Nrgserv (provisional at the moment)
6. lowey


If you can get anyone to spend the night in a tent in February in the snow it will be a miracle. You will also need to put in a fifth group, the emergency medical team to revive them from hypothermia :p:p

And camping is vulgar, nasty nasty mud to sleep on, no ensuite, revolting camp site toilets and showers, no bar, no dinner and some very strange neighbours. Well anyone camping in February will be unhinged :p:p:p

If you can get anyone to spend the night in a tent in February in the snow it will be a miracle. You will also need to put in a fifth group, the emergency medical team to revive them from hypothermia :p:p

And camping is vulgar, nasty nasty mud to sleep on, no ensuite, revolting camp site toilets and showers, no bar, no dinner and some very strange neighbours. Well anyone camping in February will be unhinged :p:p:p

Well I'll be staying in my bedroom with the log burner in the lounge blazing :D

Mum might do you a laning rate in the BnB :p
Well I'll be staying in my bedroom with the log burner in the lounge blazing :D

Mum might do you a laning rate in the BnB :p

Book me in

Wont just be me :p:p:p

Come on folks, admit it, are any of you really going to camp :eek:

If you can get anyone to spend the night in a tent in February in the snow it will be a miracle. You will also need to put in a fifth group, the emergency medical team to revive them from hypothermia :p:p

And camping is vulgar, nasty nasty mud to sleep on, no ensuite, revolting camp site toilets and showers, no bar, no dinner and some very strange neighbours. Well anyone camping in February will be unhinged :p:p:p

But I like camping:eek:

If you can get anyone to spend the night in a tent in February in the snow it will be a miracle. You will also need to put in a fifth group, the emergency medical team to revive them from hypothermia :p:p

And camping is vulgar, nasty nasty mud to sleep on, no ensuite, revolting camp site toilets and showers, no bar, no dinner and some very strange neighbours. Well anyone camping in February will be unhinged :p:p:p

if its a 2 dayer i will prob camp, I know an all year site near to the lanes.
I camped there last Feb, it was a balmy -9
Oi doc! :brick:

Leave me slitty engine series alone:(

It could prove more reliable than yours yet! :behindsofa: :D:D:D:D:D:crazy:
OK Doc :eek: You need to find a campsite which is open for Sarah and Dave :D:D:D

But that means I need to buy my new sleeping bag (I have my eye on a nice mountain equipment one!) ....and it would be cheaper to stay in a hotel:eek::D

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