By the time this trip happens half of the orginals will have dropped out for every reason under the sun. Then it will fill up with different people, who will also drop out. Then another load will decide to come the day before :D:D:D

Trust me I have organised a few trips now, its always the same.

Groups will be decided 5 minutes before you set off, usually in McDonalds car park. But then you dont have McDonalds in the lakes do you :D:D:D

We do but in Kendal not windermere, plus we're meeting lakeside for a nice group pic :p
Cake and gate descriptions, its what laning is all about :D:D

Hope you are all practicing them :D
Well I know I wont be losing the leaking axle game! Got a triple skinned casing going on mine :eek:

LOL, I hope they dont have bogs in the lakes. This landy is going to sink the first time it leaves tarmac.

Better revise the specification for my winch :eek::eek::eek:
LOL, I hope they dont have bogs in the lakes. This landy is going to sink the first time it leaves tarmac.

Better revise the specification for my winch :eek::eek::eek:

I shall be oblivious to the fact he's sinking and carry on driving :p

Group 2 can deal with him:rolleyes:
LOL, I hope they dont have bogs in the lakes. This landy is going to sink the first time it leaves tarmac.

Better revise the specification for my winch :eek::eek::eek:

Good thing the lakes are all rocks :D

That's bloody cheating! :eek: you should be automatically disqualified :D

Shurrup :p I said bring diff guards :rolleyes:

I shall be oblivious to the fact he's sinking and carry on driving :p

Group 2 can deal with him:rolleyes:

Once mine sinks to normal series height I may start to worry :eek: may have a winch though so I could be safe :p
LOL, I hope they dont have bogs in the lakes. This landy is going to sink the first time it leaves tarmac.

Better revise the specification for my winch :eek::eek::eek:

We do have bogs!!


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