So, let me just check. I need to make sure I take:- pies, cake, tow rope, spare pies, spare cake. Have I missed anything?!
So, let me just check. I need to make sure I take:- pies, cake, tow rope, spare pies, spare cake. Have I missed anything?!

Depends on your level of OCD really :p

My landy has cake, cake, more cake, coffee, special wellies which stay one your feet not in the mud, various coats, chairs, kettle (12V) laptop & dongle running memory map, iphone running memory map. Thats for me.

For the Landy it has 2 spare wheels, compressor, spare inner tube, high lift jack, ordinary jack, jump leads, two tool boxes, box of spare oils and other such stuff :confused:, box of spares which might possible break on it but would be useless cause I dont know how to fit them, spare filters, enough spare bulbs to supply all 24 Landys, an electric meter thing which I also don't know how to use, various torches and lights, rope/strap things, shackles, a fuel can (full) and lots of other really really usefull :confused: stuff :D:D:D:D:D
Group one - V8 and Series fail group

1 - nick2303
2 - lowey
3 - Robbh (tw*t one) plus a gate bitch
4 - Lakes Rob sandwiched between the two ****s in series
5 - Dr Evil (tw*t two) possibly plus company
6 - TD5Power and his mum

Group two - Group ones rescue squad

1 - DavidSally
2 - Steve999
3 - stenova
4 - One Stop
5 - Dizzytim
6 - Johnlad

Group three - Yorkshire buggers

1. Gdhaydock - leader
2. 200
3. Difflock
4. Suew (group admin assistant)
5. Nrgserv (provisional at the moment)
6. Sarah90

Group four - No longer on the reserve list

1. Paul D (Chief map reader)
2. timandmick
3. defender11069
4. Maddogminder
5. Defenderdog1
6. Sirstones

Reserve list

1. Samc88
Sorry about the group shuffling but I did say there was an agenda :p

Group one - V8 and Series fail group

1 - nick2303 (our fearless leader!)
2 - Sarah90 (loud 90)
3 - Robbh (tw*t one) plus a gate bitch
4 - Lakes Rob sandwiched between the two ****s in series (loud disco)
5 - Dr Evil (tw*t two) possibly plus company (stupidly loud thing)
6 - TD5Power and his mum or sheep (deaf in a 110)

Group two - Group ones rescue squad

1 - DavidSally
2 - Steve999
3 - stenova
4 - One Stop
5 - Dizzytim
6 - Johnlad

Group three - Yorkshire buggers

1. Gdhaydock - leader
2. 200
3. Difflock
4. Suew (group admin assistant)
5. Nrgserv (provisional at the moment)
6. lowey

Group four - No longer on the reserve list

1. Paul D (Chief map reader)
2. timandmick
3. defender11069
4. Maddogminder
5. Defenderdog1
6. Sirstones

Reserve list

1. Samc88

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