
Well-Known Member

You may recall my recent post regarding coolant being balsted all over the place, and a constantly illuminated battery indicator. Well I left my engine running earlier, and opened up the bonnet, thinking that something didn't seem right. It took me a good 5 minutes to come to grips with what it was and then it clicked. My fan wasn't spinning. The fan belt had snapped, but held its self in place over the cogs as so to look like it was still as good as new.

I've cut up some of my mums old tights and it seems to be doing the trick for now. Picking a new belt up tomorrow.

As for the coolant being blasted out of the top up resevior, well that must have simply being down to the water boiling up and out of the system with the heat.

Ay dear!
cog Show phonetics
noun [C]
1 one of the tooth-like parts around the edge of a wheel in a machine which fits between those of a similar wheel, causing both wheels to move

2 (ALSO cogwheel) a wheel with cogs around its edge, used to turn another wheel or part in a machine
pos, do u just like making threads? just wondering why u couldnt put that post on the end of ur original thread?

dont get me wrong im not having a go or anything just a bit perplexed!
Dunno, just thought that it'd be tidier in its own thread! Next time, I shall not.
Yerl have to hope you ant fooked owt else when it was over heating an dont ferget to put some anti freeze in. And wot you doin with the rest of yer mums tights?
Got a new belt on now. The temperature gauge had been going right up, but I never let it touch the top. I have noticed that, even though the pump and the fan are now spinning, it is still running a little warmer than it had been. I've never known it get past 1/2 way, but it has done
Ere, if ya temp gauge keeps going up just whack ya heater on full blast!! brings it back down again till ya ken get it fixt
Cheers Alane!

The fan cowell had slipped off a touch, but ive got that held back in place and propperly in position.

What kind of serious trouble could I be facing?
so what does that mean?

Google - engine overheating and problems it can cause...

Head gasket failure etc... if the pump was not turning then you would be relying on convection current in the cooling system which I have to say would be pretty much non existant... I think you will be OK but keep a CLOSE eye on it all.
Google - engine overheating and problems it can cause...

Head gasket failure etc... if the pump was not turning then you would be relying on convection current in the cooling system which I have to say would be pretty much non existant... I think you will be OK but keep a CLOSE eye on it all.
yer forgot to mention the thermal syphon effect
Well I've just got back in having taken her for a quick blast down to otley and back. The needle didn't get near halfway which I'm happy about, but there was something slightly strange that I noticed on the way back up however. Leeds road has a steady climb for about a 4 mile stretch and I like to give it a fair bit of gas in 3rd, with a lot of revs to get up the road at or about 50. When I was revving fairly hard I noticed a kind of engine moan / whine and either a sucking or blowing sound which I can't really describe. None the less, she pulled up the hill well and didn't over heat. When the road flattened out I changed all the wa back down to third and gave it a bit again and there was no strange sound.

The only thing that concerned me a little was the strange noise, which I am hoping was some air escaping from the radiator / cooling system somewhere.

The new fan belt smells like burning rubber too, is that normal?

Have you got the new belt overtight? Might explain the burning smell... check it, should be able to deflect the belt by about 1/4 inch each way.

That sucking/blowing/whining sound could just be the fan spinning now you've got a belt on it :D

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