morning Adz,

I'm pretty sure that the belt isn't over tight, it's got a bit of slack in it, but I'll have a play around with it in the morning. The noise could have been the fan, but I've never heard it spin like that before!

I was just a bit worried that it might have been drawing air in / blowing it out from somewhere if the overheating that I've had has damaged it at all. Everything looks in good condition.
morning Adz,

I was just a bit worried that it might have been drawing air in / blowing it out from somewhere if the overheating that I've had has damaged it at all. Everything looks in good condition.
yer cooling system when up to temp is pressurized so yer int gonna be drawing fook all in, unless yer landy defies the laws of physics
Good afternoon. All seems well thus far. The engine runs and ticks over as sweet as ever, and the radiator and fan seems to be working propperly. The top pipe is hot, the bottom one cool. The temperature gauge is between 1/4 and 1/2 as it always has been so I am a happy bunny.
yer cooling system when up to temp is pressurized so yer int gonna be drawing fook all in, unless yer landy defies the laws of physics

Dear Mr Slob, PhD etcetera .....

You are asking for HEAPS of trouble even thinking that Landies are ever bound by the regular laws of physics!

I mean, take the law of conservation of Mass and Energy for a start.

You are going off to play in your Landy.
You fill it with ten gallons of fuel.
You weigh it.
You go playing.
You use up all your fuel playing.
You weigh it again and find it is now HEAVIER by over a quarter of a ton, but as you used up ten gallons of juice it should be eighty-five pounds LIGHTER!

LandyLaw One. A Landrover used off road will INCREASE in weight by an amount more or less equal to ten times the weight of fuel consumed.

Yeah but you'd just use your noggin and realise that a sponge and a bucket of water will solve that problem
HAHAHAHA!!! You obviously haven't tried that one yet then pos... even a 5bar pressure washer dunt get all the crap out of the chassis (and elsewhere, including engine bay, cab and load bay) first go around.

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