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Hello all

I've just acquired a 1983 110 4C hardtop (Petrol) which I believe may be ex-Royal Navy.

At my local BP garage, when I went to put unleaded in (I'd already checked the fuel type) it took ages, like about ten minutes to get a tenner's worth in, as the pump kept clicking every time I applied more than "kid Gloves" pressure! I gave up after that. Having poked around, it seems that the nozzle is too short and I wondered what I'm doing wrong?

On my other car, a Subaru Impreza, (a boring family one) I sometimes have a similar problem but changing the angle of insertion (ooer) does the trick.

Is it just a crappy pump, is there a bit missing, or am I just missing the patently obvious.

The other thought is that it might be an ex-diesel, but that's ridiculous...isn't it?
17 views and not one reply.

Helpful and welcoming lot, then, are we?

After ten minutes on another website I had three options and am now sorted.

I won't trouble you again.
sorry did look at question but not to good on older stuff,only had 1 old rangie back in 89 only had disco 300 tdi for 4 years and working for landy for nearly 5 yrs so only normally coment on fact shame people get upset i dont always get my questions answered, oh dear were are the hankies im welling up tiga
ooohhhh handbags at 20 paces!!!!!
This brings me to think of an old tale that basicaly says don't rush in!!
Old bull and young bull in a field, young bull says to old bull "lets run down there and **** one of those cows!!"
Old bull replies "No son.. lets walk down and **** em all!!!!"

In other words we don't rush in with ****e here we wait till we got the right answer! that way we don't look like pillocks when we get it wrong!!!

Oh and cheers lads:D
Old bull and young bull in a field, young bull says to old bull "lets run down there and **** one of those cows!!"

:D :D I like that! Must remember that for future use!

As it happens my series does the same and I know what the problem is (the mesh in the bottom of the extendable fuel tube that comes out of the filler is almost blocked) but heck, with an attitude like that then I am not going to tell.

So there. :rolleyes:

Some people really need to chill you know.

Still, I am happy as the Daleks are back and Hitchikers Guide is on the flicks!!
Yea Gaspode is right the gauze was designed for petrol, deisel is thicker and frofths up , I took mine out, when filling up at a reputable pump, do we need a filter?
Out of a can that's got rust and dead mice in, I would advise using the filter!!
Good idea it's raining and someone leant me DVD of Pearl Harbour, we've got star wars in france too at the moment, back to the TV!

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