
Well-Known Member
Hi all. Just after some thoughts/opinions if I could.

Sold my td5 a while back and am itching to get myself another defender. I've been looking at the post 2007 model (ford engine, different interior, etc) but am now thinking if I'd actually be better off going for another td5.

Whatever I decide to get the chassis has to be in good nick, done my share of repairs and rebuilds and now want something that needs no major works from the off other than the usual maintenance.

Am keen to hear if peeps would go for a late TD5 or a post 2007 model if it were their choice, didn't really find any issues relating to the newer models when googling.

A 2007/2008 model is about as new as I'm likely to afford judging by the current prices. I've not really heard of any major issues with the post 2007 models and other than having to check the road tax costs for a post 2007 defender I'd be keen to hear any other thoughts. thanks .....Mike
Or a nice reliable 200tdi or 2.5 N/A none of this modern rubbish :p

On a more serious note if you are looking for one that does not need major work it may be worth considering an older vehicle/engine combination which has already been rebuilt. Even the newest vehicle you are talking about is 10 years old so has a good chance of needing welding and other work. wheras you may be able to pick up a tdi or a tdi conversion that has been put on a new chassis.

If you are dead set on a newer on though and you have already had a TD5 I would probably lean towards getting another one, better the devil you know and all that.
Apart from the oil in loom problem, which will have been sorted, and horror stories of plastic head dowels letting go (certain models?), the Td5s seem to have been pretty good. Leaky fuel regulator also known but easily sorted.

My Td5 has been boringly reliable over 60,000 miles. Nice 5-cylinder purr. Do you want a Landy that sounds like a Transit? Not really. I’ve known several Pumas with early clutch/slave failures.
Must admit, the td5 did have a nice sound to it. Went well too. The more I think about it I think I'm veering back to a td5. Realistically a good one will be more in my price range too. So, anyone have any plus points for a post 07? :)
Must admit, the td5 did have a nice sound to it. Went well too. The more I think about it I think I'm veering back to a td5. Realistically a good one will be more in my price range too. So, anyone have any plus points for a post 07? :)
It's more than 20 years newer than mine ;);)
I've got a '14 Defender. I like the motor, it pulls well from low, and there's a nice 6-speed box, also a plus IMV. I've not maxed it out but it's very happy at the legal limit here, or even a little more (cough).

I'm also happy with the fact that it's essentially Transit running gear. It means that there are more machines around you can get parts from. The fuel injectors failed in mine (not the LR's fault - previous owner put petrol in it) and I was able to use some from a Citroen.

The electronics are minimal for a modern vehicle, just ABS/TC (if fitted) and the engine ECU is mounted nice and high where it should be.

Cheers, PU.
Only plus point for the newer Defender I can think of are the forward facing rear seats in the 90.
Depending on which model you are going for, you need to be aware of the road tax bands.
On the TD5 Station Wagon (rear seats/windows) it’s £310 up to March 2006 then £510 after that.
TDCi Station Wagons are £510 up until the 2.2 engine was introduced when LR reclassified them as Commercial and it’s around £230.
Hardtop versions of the TD5 and TDCi are all in the lower road tax band.
You see a lot of conversions where people have put rear seats and windows in the hardtop (van) version
And these still retain the lower road tax benefit.
I have had a 300TDi and have a puma. I would have the puma all day long. Interior is better, quite(er) and you can have a conversation no problem on the motorway. It has 6 gears and does 70-80 no problem. Think the dash / look is much better than the old. Still basic and utilitarian but just a little bit less... dated. Winner all round for me.
The TD5 is a lot more refined than the 300tdi, particularly if you get the Station Wagon or XS.
Personally l don’t go a bunch on the Ford TDCi having had vans with that engine, it’s a complex characterless lump of a thing, but they seem to be gaining more acceptance over time.
The sixth gear is useful though.

The other thing is, the newest TD5 is going to be over 12 years old, where the TDCi was made until 2016.
So more good ones about if you have the money.
I’ve had a 300tdi and a 2.4 Puma....

Puma all the way...although it does sound like a transit (because it is) a nice straight through exhaust sorts that out....nice and quiet if you want it to be, or a tractor on steroids if you don’t.

But I agree with Mike above, 6 gears is the decider for me! (But then again, it all depends what type of driving you’re doing....most of these spend 80% of their life on tarmac!)

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