
Well-Known Member
Right... in the last 3 weeks, I've had a recon turbo fitted and head gasket done by a local landy garage. Got it back Friday and all seemed well, though when I picked it up, he said it seemed a bit "flat" when they test drove it, possibly because the MAF was fubar. I already knew that and had been running with it disconnected. I've been driving round over the weekend on minor roads and not really got above 50mph. Today however, on the dual carriageway, once I got to 50mph up a slight incline, it just seemed to struggle to go any faster and seemed to hit a rev limiter at 3000rpm. It seems fine up to 50 then just runs out of puff. It feels like I'm getting TC lock-up when I should. Took it back to him this afternoon and he seems convinced its to do with the MAF. That is disconnected as it was before. He suggested it could be the fuel pump which it could be, but it wasn't an issue before he did the head. I've stuck a bottle of cataclean in it and it seems to have improved slightly but i havent really gone very far since doing so. Time will tell on that one. Any other suggestions?
Find somebody with nanocom, record a live data log and post it here ... that would be the best way to rule out things cos there are many possibilities
Find somebody with nanocom, record a live data log and post it here ... that would be the best way to rule out things cos there are many possibilities
The only fault code logged by the garage nanocom was the MAF. Hence him being convinced that's the problem. I doubt he plugged it in while driving but I can't be sure unless I ask him. What are the top possibilities?
The fuel delivery system is not covered by diagnostics even though on Eu3 engines if the pressure is low it used to log a driver demand fault code also the injector balances can be affected... as about the power issue, any of the management's sensors can be a factor that's why a data log is needed otherwise it's just a guessing game... you can make sure that the wastegate is not stuck open and the turbo pipes not delaminated though
1. do you still have EGR?
2. how old are the fuel and air filters
The fuel delivery system is not covered by diagnostics even though on Eu3 engines if the pressure is low it used to log a driver demand fault code also the injector balances can be affected... as about the power issue, any of the management's sensors can be a factor that's why a data log is needed otherwise it's just a guessing game... you can make sure that the wastegate is not stuck open and the turbo pipes not delaminated though
1. do you still have EGR?
2. how old are the fuel and air filters
Checked the wastegate today although it's a fully reconned unit so you would expect it to be fine anyway, fuel filter about a year old and air filter 6 months. No EGR.
There are cases when the wastegate actuator valve is sticking as it gets gunky and corroded inside and the spring can't push back fully the piston so the wastegate port in the turbo can't close well.... was the MAP sensor cleaned after the ECR was bypassed? if not check that too
There are cases when the wastegate actuator valve is sticking as it gets gunky and corroded inside and the spring can't push back fully the piston so the wastegate port in the turbo can't close well.... was the MAP sensor cleaned after the ECR was bypassed? if not check that too
Well I can't be 100% sure about the turbo but it came from a reputable company, it looked brand new and the rod moved as it should with pliers, I also gave it a spray with ptfe wd40 to be sure. MAP sensor was cleaned by myself when I changed the air filter 6 months ago and when i first got the disco (It was already de-egr'd) so not too long ago.
Then only a data log might reveal things cos i'm out of ideas...
Just got to find someone with a nanocom. As far as I know, having asked before, no-one near me has one. Is there a possibility (and just a shìtty coincidence considering the recent work done) that my fuel pump is the issue?
Just got to find someone with a nanocom. As far as I know, having asked before, no-one near me has one. Is there a possibility (and just a shìtty coincidence considering the recent work done) that my fuel pump is the issue?
It is, as many other possible causes... according to this map(which is the most updated),-0.2938128223165677&z=12there are 3 guys close to you but the one in Horsham wasnt active on the forum since 2014, the only one which is active is in Crawley named @AmbiChris but to contact him you must be registered on and send PM to him maybe he can help you
It is, as many other possible causes... according to this map(which is the most updated),-0.2938128223165677&z=12there are 3 guys close to you but the one in Horsham wasnt active on the forum since 2014, the only one which is active is in Crawley named @AmbiChris but to contact him you must be registered on and send PM to him maybe he can help you
I actually did get someone from d2boys club to help me out a while back with his nanocom but he lived a fair way off and just happened to be down my way at the time. As it happens, someone has offered to send me his! :)
I now have a nanocom to play with... Took it for a drive, no faults logged with engine or gearbox, except MAF which is disconnected. Still working out how to make live logs but did 2 circuits of local roads and videoed the screen whilst gearbox data, then turbo data were running. So I do have a "live log" of sorts...
For live log you have to insert a SD card in it go to "inputs fuelling" give it a name as it asks and prompt on the card icon at the bottom, go for a ride then download the card's content in PC and convert to excel . I can help ony if you provide fies like those in the attachment of this post (not the graph, the attached converted CSV)
Umm... I'll see what I can do, I'm no I.T. expert..
One thing I did notice is the wastegate operating between 0% and 40% which I believe means it's ok?

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