Just converted the Disco from Fly by wire to cable controlled injector pump and got rid of the Electronics. Used an Ex Defender pump I think. Will it be slightly down on power as a result (it is an Auto)? I seem to remember reading somewhere that it will be, but can't remember where. Anyone done this pump change and what did you find? I guess the best solution now is to tune the pump by adjusting the star wheel and diaphragm?
EDC was fitted to the1996MY auto tdi's to boost power and torque, and so reduce acceleration times and match that of the manuals, so YES is the answer to your first question, u have also lost cruise control that was fitted to the EDC equipped disco.
OK, not a problem with the Cruise. It does now run far better though, as I also got rid of the 4th EDC injector - this was causing it to run on 3 cylinders intermittently. So hopefully once the new injector is tuned it will go to "normal" or better, but run more smoothly and be less sluggish...
OK, not a problem with the Cruise. It does now run far better though, as I also got rid of the 4th EDC injector - this was causing it to run on 3 cylinders intermittently. So hopefully once the new injector is tuned it will go to "normal" or better, but run more smoothly and be less sluggish...

Maybe would have cost you £30.00 to get the injector serviced. How much was the replacement pump and how much work did it take to fit it? Bit of a silly move if you ask me.
The pump was only about £80 on the bay of plenty. The EGC injectors are NLA and are known for being problematic. I can also now tune the pump for both performance (and economy) as detailed on here:
"Sluggish disco.........not any more!"
So on balance I think it's a positive move. I am going to run it around for a week or two to get used to it and to see if the power is noticeably down and then have a go at the tuning. Already looks like the fuel consumption is improved, but not scientifically tested :)
A chipped edc tdi auto is a pretty rapid bit of kit, for its time and age I should add, I would say better than any tuned up manual pump.
Did you change the 4th one for another non elec edc injector as Iirc they run at higher pressures than the non edc pump.
getting all the bits to do mine on Saturday, I can't wait as mine has been running like poo all year,
Will let you know how i get on

All done, started 1st time, drove down the road fine
Can any one tell me where the ecu is? I need to disconect it to turn tne engine light out.

A bit of fettling on the accelorator and kick down cables . But so far so good
Mine is pretty gutless after swapping the pump, it don't drive half as nice as it did and takes far longer to change from 1st to 2nd gear, I am pretty sure it only had the number 4 injector changed so maybe I should look at changing the others.
Mine is definatly slower on pulling away, but it still gets to 75 ish. After a while o_O

But the engine is definatly running better, definatly a good decision to change it.

Just need to find the ecu to turn off the engine light
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