
Hello All, had a recent issue with my 2013 LR4 (3.0lt SDV6)... After putting my foot down (boy racer style) I got the dreaded limp home mode. When hooking uo to diagnostic got fuel pressure low, a look under the bonnet and I can actually see/hear smoke issuing from the left hand side (so right as looking into engine from front of car) middle injector - injector 5 I believe.

After wrestling this out it was caked in carbon - id re-fitted these in January this year as part of a inlet manifold change so assumed id done something wrong. I've since learned of the importance or re-seating correctly etc. Cleaned up the offending injector (as best I could) and inside the seat, including a re-seat with the correct tool. Re-assembled with new seals and engine started with no fault lights and apparently plenty of power - except... it idles like a pig! And in fact if left idling for some time get limp mode again this time with error code for injector 5 misfire. Weirdly however, occasionally it will idle absolutly fine?! I did notice when refitting that the retaining clip for the electrical connector wasnt present (ie broken previously) - I believe this was missing following my work in January but lots of miles since then without issue.

I do have to admit to dropping the injector before refitting. Not from a great height and not on to anything particularly hard. The good performance when under power suggests its OK?

My question is, could the rough idle, with occasional good idling without intervention, simply be caused by the electrical connector? I'm not sure given it runs under power. Should I have done something in the diagnostic tool when refitting the injector to train it etc?

Any thoughts or advice as always greatly appreciated!

Many thanks

Hello All, had a recent issue with my 2013 LR4 (3.0lt SDV6)... After putting my foot down (boy racer style) I got the dreaded limp home mode. When hooking uo to diagnostic got fuel pressure low, a look under the bonnet and I can actually see/hear smoke issuing from the left hand side (so right as looking into engine from front of car) middle injector - injector 5 I believe.

After wrestling this out it was caked in carbon - id re-fitted these in January this year as part of a inlet manifold change so assumed id done something wrong. I've since learned of the importance or re-seating correctly etc. Cleaned up the offending injector (as best I could) and inside the seat, including a re-seat with the correct tool. Re-assembled with new seals and engine started with no fault lights and apparently plenty of power - except... it idles like a pig! And in fact if left idling for some time get limp mode again this time with error code for injector 5 misfire. Weirdly however, occasionally it will idle absolutly fine?! I did notice when refitting that the retaining clip for the electrical connector wasnt present (ie broken previously) - I believe this was missing following my work in January but lots of miles since then without issue.

I do have to admit to dropping the injector before refitting. Not from a great height and not on to anything particularly hard. The good performance when under power suggests its OK?

My question is, could the rough idle, with occasional good idling without intervention, simply be caused by the electrical connector? I'm not sure given it runs under power. Should I have done something in the diagnostic tool when refitting the injector to train it etc?

Any thoughts or advice as always greatly appreciated!

Many thanks

For further details visit here: land rover suspension repair
It seems like your rough idle and misfire could be due to that broken clip on the electrical connector for injector 5. A loose connection can definitely mess with how the injector works, especially when the engine is idling. Dropping the injector might have also caused some issues, even if it runs well when you push it. Plus, some injectors need to be recalibrated after being reinstalled, so that might help too.
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Thanks for the responses! I cable tied the clip on... still getting the same behavior, rough idle most of time but good idle some other times. When it idles rough for more than a minute or so i get the misfire warning. Suspect the injector so will calibrate first then replace if no good!
I cable tied the clip on...
The injectors are working with a quite high voltage PWM signal(between 110 - 163V) which is very sensitive to contact issues so cable tying a worn connector might not be good enough cos the cavities can be loose while they must be very tight to the pins. I don't know exactly what kind of plugs are on your engine, google out YPC913430 and if this is the connector type you have better buy new and replace it that's why they are on the market... then with new injector and new plug that part is 100% ruled out and if the symptom is the same the troubleshooting can go further
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The injectors are working with a quite high voltage PWM signal(between 110 - 163V) which is very sensitive to contact issues so cable tying a worn connector might not be good enough cos the cavities can be loose while they must be very tight to the pins. I don't know exactly what kind of plugs are on your engine, google out YPC913430 and if this is the connector type you have better buy new and replace it that's why they are on the market... then with new injector and new plug that part is 100% ruled out and if the symptom is the same the troubleshooting can go further
Thanks for identifying the connector! It's arrived - however there are no terminals in it! guess I need to remove them from the old connector but no idea how. Any tips greatly appreciated

Many thanks
there are no terminals in it!
:vb-headbang: OMG, that's outrageous, especially that it's called "connector cable"o_O... i can't imagine how LR thought to sell such thing, in the pictures i saw they had termnals too, i'm stumped and dont know what to say
Yeah bonkers isn’t it? I’ve gone with the tie wrap for now. Changed the injector again and running much better now. Also replaced the whole bleed back line - a fiddly pain of a job but not technically difficult. Let’s hope the good running continues!

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