gotta email the breakers in a bit as i need form bits and bobs for the p38.

one question, when it comes to cars, is it pillars or posts. was lookijg on wikipedis and they seem to be the same thing, just american/english alternatives.. Anyway, do we, the english speaking folk use the a/b/c pillar/post naming scheme. A being the windscreen, b the door, c the rear door and d the boot? or is c always the boot, and it would be b1 and b2?

any takers?
well does anyone know the correct names for these bits of trim circled? is it as simple as say "upper internal door pillar?

also the cover/trim on the tarmac, where should this be?, im assuming not under the passenger seat which is where i found it..


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I'm out and on the laptop now, but when I gethome I'll have a look on Microcat for you .. or if you google for it you might be able to suss it yourself .. and get part numbers too .. ;)

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