All in all it's a nightmare. But proving very entertaining. Now fully taxed, insurered and has 6 months of MOT also. Not bad for £150.

I'll post a question about a fuel leak also.

Thanks very much for all your help by the way.
Mines a petrol so a bit more refined - until I fill up. But I have done some mamoth drives in it. It was my only car for 5 years from student times until I got a job with a car.
Done London to Munich and back twice, and a few years ago drove it over the Alps to Verona. The haripins required a lot of gear changes a la double de clutch river dance - its a 2a.
would never get rid of it though and its never failed to complete a journey - albeit slowly.
Re Love/ Hate. Got it in one. I am in a hate period at the moment cos of mystery engine noise.
My other half says she fears for her life when we go out on the roads, but is happy to bomb around the field and garden in it. The door gap thing isn't new to me though because I had a Mitsubishi l300 van, the doors on that warped so much that if you went over 50 you couldn't shut the windows!
I thought my missus was bad, at least she had a go at driving it....gave up after quarter of a mile and several missed gears though.

My first test drive was a bit like that. After the first 20 miles I learned that gear changes had to be very slow!

I'm desperate to do some more work on mine, but the ****e weather is making it very hard. I'm looking forward to fitting my towbar and chassis handles :)
Are chassis handles those grabber things on either side of the back plate?

I have no idea what they are for but they look manly.
Haha you're in a similar positions as me DaninLids.

Picked up my series 3 petrol two days ago. Filled it up for the first time on the way back and it ****ed petrol all over the forecourt. Must be a hole in the top of the fuel tank but there's still too much in it for me to drain yet to take it off.

Fuel gauge didn't work but I stripped the earth and re-connected it and it's been working so far! At the same time the wipers STOPPED working though!!

Indicators didn't work any of the way home but I think there was just a loose connection behind the dash as I took it off, didn't do anything, and they started working.

Water temp doesn't work, haven't had time to use the multimeter on that one yet.

Drivers door top was a bit wobbly so I took it off to have a look and the bolts that hold it on were totally rotten, no idea how it hadn't fallen off already. Deciding at the moment whether to buy a whole door or just the top.

Other than that it's great! Thinking of it as lots of small problems instead of the whole car being a wreck was the best advice I got. I love the thing already.
We're all friends here - you can call me Dan (woo!)

Fair play to you - seems like a lot of work. But as you say, if you look at it as a series of small jobs I guess it's easier to turn each one over rather than tackle the lot all at once.

Incidentally - I have located the source of my fuel leak and it is now an incredible machine of awesome power.
I have a series 3 diesel 'ragtop' i agree wiv them up there! I usually pull away in second (way i was taught in forces) unless you're uphill. My synchromesh has gone so i find it easier anyway. With a 'ragtop' i liken it to an openair Gypsymoth (and just as cold) Used it a few times to work in the winter! Scraping ice off the inside of the windscreen whilst driving is fun. Heating in diesels is especially crap.
But the last spell of good weather (when was that.......) anyway, i had the top off and windows out. I loved it - made it all worthwhile. definately a love/hate relationship!
I used to love going round in my granddads series 3 (now mine) as a kid, felt like an adventure with all the noise.
Just a quick question which has probably been asked but I couldn't find it (probably my search terms). What mpg would I be looking at for a 2.5 N/A diesel in an 88 series 3 with a roof rack and overdrive fitted?
i just got mine running right is a petrol tho and wont fit in garage with a roof on keep spending money on it and yes this sat i did have that feeling what the hell have i bought
and the missus keeps saying we need a bedroom carpet , but i keep going out and driving around the local village at just any old excuse now im in love again with her that is the landy lol

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