
Well-Known Member
Hi All,

I've a feeling the right hand front caliper is seizing after only replacing the pads and disks a few month ago and i'm now hearing a grinding from same brake as before when i come to a stop. I think i'm obviously going to have to have a new right hand caliper, but just wondering if any other higher performance calipers would fit?

Have to admit, after driving my sis's laguna while mine was in for hgf it made my freebies brakes look rubbish!

I've got 16" alloys so what do you guys reckon the best calipers are that i could fit?

Racing spec etc, any ideas?
Could just be your guide pins siezed, only £10-£15 for a front set. If your piston is siezed then it will be a new caliper, about £70-£80 per side. Wouldn't bother upgrading to a higher spec caliper, could put the braking ratio between front and back out of spec.
If your r/h/f caliper was seizing the steering would pull to the left under must have been free when you fitted new pads etc..
by seizing i mean braking normally, but one of the pads not going back to normal position after braking so one pad on the calipers is wearing twice as quick as the other.

It's strange, may just need some GT85 or something (without the pads in obviously lol)

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