
New Member
Dont know if anyone else got this but a mail got into my in box as a private message from landyzone, referance Muslimism and religion. Any mods help as this shouldnt really happen!!! ive got enough dramas sorting out the Disco to worry about religion!!!!;)
send yer requests to the admin who will be only to happy to deal with any problems of a PM nature. cos without the details thur int much the admin staff can do
cheers Slob , didnt think of that i just go to the disco bit.:D we are anti virused up but somones bound to open n spread so maybe a warning on all forums needed.
it's an open forum. anyone can join and then send pms or e-mails to other members.
all you can do is report them to admin (forward pm to slob or sirus) who can then warn / ban them.
This dodgy email from some bird called Patrica,maybe because its Easter and all nuters come out to play.;)
Came through as a pm on landyzone from wingy same as any thread i log onto and talk on ie this one but then when opened went to a email from Mandy!
Slob, Patricia, is the name on the bottom of pm but then it goes on about a mandy ive stored it but dont really fancy fwding it till Dee see's it to make sure it's not a really bad one.
Hi Slob
I got it as well in a pm, seems to be mostly us newbies that got it, if you read most of the other posts they come from us with fewest posts, if you kin understand what im meanin.

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