mud muppet

New Member
my boxer boy looking like he got liver shut down.he been vet all day on drip,and meds.he gotta go back tomoz for same again.hes only two and half.just hope his next blood test comes back improved.
Hope all goes well. Not a dog owner but really close to my sisters American pitbull/staffie. She's a sweetheart.
Hope all goes well matey ... your dog has age on his side ... my Dalmatian (now 11) had something similar when he got poisoned but pulled through ok as he was only 4 at the time! Thinking of you buddy.
Hope he's ok mate, one of ours was really poorly as a pup and pulled through,

It's daft, I don't have health insurance and we insure our dogs or whatever, if I could do anything to help them I would, more so than some family members,
Feel for you mate, as said he's only a young lad and boxers are a strong breed and will fight all the way. Please let us know how he gets on. Thought s are with you
my boxer boy looking like he got liver shut down.he been vet all day on drip,and meds.he gotta go back tomoz for same again.hes only two and half.just hope his next blood test comes back improved.

Get him put down ,soon as . Vets will fleece you .
will know more tomoz.and no having six boxers in total,havnt got pet insurance.
blood test two injections wed.then 4 bags of fluid through drip and meds. just over 200 quid.but cost dont come into it .so long he gets better.
Aww poor lad, hope he's better tomorrow.

Milk Thistle is great for liver damage, has worked for a few of my friends animals.
Neighbours next door were back and forth to the vets every second week with their boxer . Cost a fortune . The poor fooker was in awful pain . He should have been put down years ago .
Neighbours next door were back and forth to the vets every second week with their boxer . Cost a fortune . The poor fooker was in awful pain . He should have been put down years ago .

It's a hard dicesion to make , have had to put a few down me self
I've just gone through this with my jack Russel collie cross. I'm £2k poorer now. The vets bills are still mounting but it's down to £200 a month including her tablets.:eek::(

I hope yours pulls through ok

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