
Active Member
yesterday I did a 260 mile round trip taking the new turner engine up to 400 miles since fitting
the car seems to lack performance so much so that it seemed to be running on 7 cylinders
I got home and plugged in the nanocom and got this:

FRA bank 2 drive cycle C
occurred 4 times
signal too low
fault not present
determined as intermittent
Fault causes the MIL lamp activation

can someone put this in plain English please ? and what do I have to buy or fix ? :)
Sounds like n O2 sensor going out of range to me. Live data on the O2 sensors wil tell you what's going on
right plugged in no idea what the data or numbers mean but I do have a misfire on number one cylinder
aside from a crap plug or lead what can cause this ?
right plugged in no idea what the data or numbers mean but I do have a misfire on number one cylinder
aside from a crap plug or lead what can cause this ?

Plug or lead. If it was coil pack you would have two misfires.
There you go. Miss fire will be putting unburnt petrol down the exhaust which the O2 sensor will read as too rich and try and trim back the fueling until it reaches the limit and bingo -fault registered.
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There you go. Miss fire will be putting I burnt petrol down the exhaust which the O2 sensor will read as too rich and try and trim back the fueling until it reaches the limit and bingo -fault registered.

Or no fuel going in from a duff or unfired injector. The fuel trims will normally be weakened for a lack of spark issue and richened for a lack of injector firing issue.
Are your plug leads all in the correct sequence? Check under the bonnet in the dark for arcing, check the spark plug by substitution etc....

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