are another site another gangster hiding behind his curtins in the saftey of his home bullyed at school were you now you can be hard over the internet big man u havent got a clue

Underestimating your opponent is a classic failure:D

Your course of action is ill advised

P.S learn to spell or use a spell checker.
he asked for help by if you have nowt to say ,say nowt idiots

I think it might be wise to heed the old adage "one mouth - two ears (or in this cae eyes) - use them in that order"

If yu dont know how this site runs, then I suggest yu keep quiet until yu do - or yu will get severely flamed. Or are yu just trying to stir everyone up?
are another site another gangster hiding behind his curtins in the saftey of his home bullyed at school were you now you can be hard over the internet big man u havent got a clue

would you be so kind as to use the quote button next time you post so we can see who amongst us needs to stay up all night worrying

oh i think this 1 will run for a few days dont you ? :rolleyes:

Nar. I for one, cant be arsed. Its happening too regularly. Its either a spammer who keeps signing in under a new pseudonim every couple of daysor we seem to be attracting a new type of idiot.
I am orf to bed. These threads are getting boring.
I think it might be wise to heed the old adage "one mouth - two ears (or in this cae eyes) - use them in that order"

If yu dont know how this site runs, then I suggest yu keep quiet until yu do - or yu will get severely flamed. Or are yu just trying to stir everyone up?
dont realy care wot u suggest
Nar. I for one, cant be arsed. Its happening too regularly. Its either a spammer who keeps signing in under a new pseudonim every couple of daysor we seem to be attracting a new type of idiot.
I am orf to bed. These threads are getting boring.

very true
just as well my username aint aint green think i'd be accused of being a spoilsport with these ejjitts :D
why does it always get interesting on here when I need to get some bloody shut eye:( :doh:
storm will be doing the edited highlights in the morning - sleep tight

Yep...i've got the graveyard shift so 7 hours of condensed trolling will be packaged and available as an app (whatever the **** that is) on your sony walkman tomorrow.

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