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To any1 who can help me ....... Lol

Hi I have taken the engine out my p38 diesel due to a head problem and can't find a good second hand one to put back in, they all have super high miles on, if I put a 525 engin in what do I need to change on the fuel pump, can i swap the elec part of my pump wit the elec part of the 525 pump, as I don't want to put the old pump in cuz its pretty foooked as well.

Thanks again
FUK OFF DRUIM !! Cheers rick but the pump on the old engine is fuked so just gona change the lot i think less messing round ....

i have fitted a 525 engine to my p38 i changed the top of the pump and it worked perfectly the top of the pump slides so you might have to play around with that a little to get your tickover right but its not difficult
Thanks Sean, just the black plastic bit with 4 bolts that you changed ? i managed to get hold of a p38 engine from a braker down south, wit 79k on, it should be here on monday,so fingers crossed. Did u have any other difficulty when it was in ?

when changing the top of the pump it has to be changed from the main barrell of the pump everything bolted on the top (as far as i remember ) but very easy. I had no problems when i started the vehicle you will have to change the flywheel if manual (not sure about auto) the outer part of the bottom pully in front is different and the sump is different you will have to change the oil feed pipe within the sump. If u have any problems or questions im happy to help. sean
Cheers min ..... I will let u know how I get on during the week hope it a good engine after all this ****ing about!!!!! Lol
I still not got the engine , Sean it has been a nightmare the guy from no-fear 4x4 told me it would be here last week but ..........
No Fear, Gwent is a fraudster and a thief. You will be lucky to see your money or an engine again. I suggest if you paid by card that you report him to the bank and police. I believe he is already being chased by plod. The man is a serial con-man.
Hey guys ...... Yes it was no fear in south wales ... ****ING ****ERS .......The engine did arrive but it was 5 weeks late and ****ed !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everything is rusted solid and the prik couldent even send the ****ing paperwork with it, not at all what we had agreed on the phone. he is a fuking crook and needs a fuking SLAP ,I have bought another engine and it is fine from a breaker in Perth Scotland .... A word of warning ......PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT TRADE WITH THIS PEOPLE THAY R CON MEN!!!
sorry to hear of your bad luck hope u get on ok with your new engine . have you got it fitted yet? what is it out of?

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